• I kinda don’t like these: inside the vars.php
    ‘:grin:’ => ‘icon_biggrin.gif’,
    ‘:)’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’,
    ‘:-)’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’,
    ‘:smile:’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’,
    ‘:(‘ => ‘icon_sad.gif’,
    so I changed it something like below:
    ‘;)’ => ‘s1.gif’,
    ‘;-)’ => ‘s1.gif’,
    ‘:(‘ => ‘s2.gif’,
    ‘:-(‘ => ‘s2.gif’,
    ‘:D’ => ‘s3.gif’,
    ‘:-D’ => ‘s3.gif’,
    and now i’m having troubles, images doesn’t want to show in my post or comments, some default smiley mask are showing but not my smilies filename s1.gif etc. like that but the deafault one. so still it’s brocken image coz I made my own smilies. I’m wondering why it doesn’t want to work? please help!!!
    view them here. https://arvie.net/wp-comments-popup.php?p=55&c=1

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