Hi Matt,
I think I see your problem….(and the solution!!)
You are trying to install the theme into the wrong folder – themes don’t go in the uploads folder, they go into your “themes” folder, which is located in the “wp-content” folder….(….I can almost hear you thinking “where’s the wp-content folder” lol!!! hang in there Matt..!!). Here’s where to go:
Your WAMP folder should be installed on your C Drive, yes? (..for WAMP to work properly it is supposed to be installed there, and it has problems if it’s installed elsewhere..). Go to your CDrive, and find your WAMP folder. Open it up, and look for a folder called “htdocs” – THIS IS WHERE ALL YOUR SITE FILES ARE INSTALLED – (…now, I’d also suggest you create a short-cut to the htdocs folder on your desktop too, because you’ll need to access it a fair bit & so it will save you time & frustration in the future.. so right-click on the htdocs folder & select the “create a shortcut” option – and a shortcut for htdocs folder will appear on your desktop).
Then open up htdocs folder & you should see your website folder (let’s call it “matts-blog.com”). Open up the “matts-blog.com” folder, and inside it will be a folder called “wp-content”. Inside that is your “themes” folder.
Copy & paste your theme into that folder (either paste the theme’s zipped folder in it & then unzip it there & then delete the zip archive, OR unzip the theme before copying & pasting the new theme folder into the “themes” folder.)
Now log on to your site, and (in the WordPress version 3.1+ series) down the left hand side of your screen is a drop-down tab called “Appearance” – click on it to expand the list & go to the tab called “themes” & you will then see all the themes installed in your site. Select the new theme & enable it, and that’s it! (…it takes longer to write about it than to actually do it!).
You’ll probably need to set up a few things such as the menus etc, it depends on the theme – some are almost ready-to-go, others can take days to get right….
As for CHMOD permissions, you can’t set them on a PC, only on the web server once the site is live.
Also, whilst I think of it, do NOT ever use 777 CHMOD permissions – ever. 0777 is highly dangerous, and especially if you don’t know what you are doing such as by using other ways to protect folders (0777 basically gives global (anyone) permissions write to and execute the files … it’s been called the number of the beast by some web experts, & most good web hosts also will not allow it to be used for security reasons). When a developer recommends using 0777, I will always totally ignore it & I will use 0755 instead – you’ll find that the plugin concerned will almost always still work fine…if it doesn’t, then drop it and find another plugin….fast. Folders are often set at 0755 & files such as images are often 0644. BTW, I found that using a (free) online CHMOD tool really helped me understand file permissions easily & quickly.
Good luck Matt! – all the best.
Regards, Karen,