Okay I’ll try and do my best to give you a hand.
It should be easy for you to change even without php knowledge.
Go to Plugins — Editor then choose the WP Private Content Plus from the drop down.
On the side there is a bunch of php files to choose from. Find the one that says wp-private-content-plus/classes/class-wppcp-private-content.php
I think it is second from the top.
If you scroll down just a tiny bit (sorry I dont know what line it is)
you will see
return apply_filters(‘wppcp_private_page_empty_message’ , __(‘No content found.’,’wppcp’));
You could also use Ctrl-F to search for the No Content Found phrase.
Just change the No content found to whatever you want to say. Don’t touch anything else but those words.
If you want it to say nothing just leave it blank. (Notice I left the ” that surround it)
For example:
return apply_filters(‘wppcp_private_page_empty_message’ , __(”,’wppcp’));
Anyways hopefully this helps you out and makes sense. I was writing it up fast.
have a great day!