Changing notification email address?
Okay, I know this is an odd question – especially coming form someone who’s been working with WordPress for such a long time. But I’ve finally been driving to the point where I simply much ask.
I’ve done numerous WordPress sites for clients over the years (so this question isn’t *just* for WordPress 3.3.x – it’s for every client I’ve ever had). When I do these sites, I set WordPress up for them by using on of my generic email addresses to set up the site. I do my thing, then turn the site over to the client. One of the things I do is go through the settings and change the admin email address from the email I used to set WordPress up with to the client’s email address. (I’ll also go through and, any plugins that require this change, I’ll do it there, too).
yet here it is, years later, and I’m *still* getting notifications of all kinds from these sites that I have nothing to do with anymore. Comment notifications, user registration notifications, change password notifications, even subscription notifications. (That last one’s probably a plugin thing though.)
I’m REALLY tired of getting these things. Just last week, I was at a point with it (one of the old clients had some kind of event, and my inbox was FLOODED with registrations, comments and lost password notices) that I went into my old client’s WordPress accounts – yep, they still had me in the system – and made 100% sure my email address was nowhere to be found, save in my own user profile. But still, I’m getting these notices.
What *is* it that’s set to make WordPress send all of these notices to people? Id’a always thought it was the admin email address (in Settings), but apparently it’s not. I just want to know what needs to be changed, and where, so I can get rid of all of this junk in my inbox. requests for these old clients to remove me have resulted in nothing. They say they will, then they don’t. (Not a priority to them.) I just want to know what I can change (for future reference) so I don’t have to keep going through this again.
Any also, *why* is WordPress set up to handle it this way? It seems to me, if you change the admin email address, then the email address you set WordPress up with should be forgotten.
Anyone? Bueller?
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