Changing mycred_default meta key – CHAOS
Hi – tried changing the default meta keys mycred_default after a set up on a 2nd WordPress multinetwork site… changed in the site options tables all references as below… but it seems somehow I have now screwed up this myCRED install on this network site….
The reason i tried to do this is that ALL sites in multi WP networks all share a common root network User and User meta table…. so a user may use a point called coolpoints in one wp network, but he might also buy points in another point called “verycoolpoints” on Network B, but i saw no reference in usermeta on this instead i just mycred_default
What is best practice to totally remove mycred install on new site, so that i have no data left in any tables so i can reinstall clean? Also how do i change the default meta key?
a:1:{s:14:"mycred_default";s:23:"<strong>my</strong>CRED";} a:1:{s:10:"fragpoints";s:29:"<strong>myfrag</strong>POINTS";}
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