Thanks for your message. That sounds like a problem related to the browser or to the server cache.
There’s no need to delete an invoice and to re-generate it whenever you need to make changes to a specific reservation that was invoiced before, unless you would like to get a different invoice number. From the back-end booking details page you can simply click the button to generate the invoice, and if the system detects a previous invoice for that booking, it will suggest by default to use the previous invoice number for the re-generation of the PDF document.
We suggest downloading the re-generated PDF invoice on your computer to avoid any cache to be applied by your browser. If the customer billing information was changed, or if the room reservation records, number of guests or total amounts were modified, you should be able to see the document with the updated information.
Since you are using the commercial version of the plugin, we invite you to reach out to our technical support team should you have any technical questions or problems. Thank you!
The VikWP Team