• StephToro


    I am sorry if this topic has been beaten to death. I have looked at other threads on this forum, done google searches, etc. and can’t seem to find a simple explanation of my problem and how to fix it.

    My domain, https://www.example.com, was previously run by WordPress and worked exactly how I wanted it to. When I transferred hosts, I forgot to backup my WordPress files and now I am starting from scratch. The problem is that https://www.example.com directs to a blank page. To see my blog content, you have to go to https://www.example.com/wp. I am looking for how to change it so that https://www.example.com will direct right to my content.

    I did see a tutorial about changing the site and home urls through PHPMyAdmin, but I am not positive if that’s what I want to do for my situation and I didn’t want to screw anything up. I am really new to this stuff and most of it sounds like a foreign language to me, so please instruct me like I’m a 5 year old. I would really appreciate any help you can give me so that I can get my blog back up and running.

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  • gaurabmani


    You can look for the option_name values of “siteurl” and “home” and try changing to the original ones. It will not effect your other settings.

    Also make sure you remember what added extra stuff you have added in your previous “htaccess” file. Sometimes htaccess conflict can also create such issue.

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