Hi @adamrj01,
Yes, card payments can be taken directly on your site, with different options depending on your region.
PayPal Standard provides only basic PayPal functionality by redirecting the buyer to a full-site PayPal page for PayPal or card payments.
PayPal Payments provides the checkout flow via popup window and card payments with on-site card fields. New features include, for example, PayPal smart buttons and Pay Later messaging on (non-)Checkout pages. PayPal Payments also implements alternative payment methods for regional offers like Venmo, or Vaulting for subscription support.
Example screenshots and more details can be found in the documentation:
In short, PayPal Payments is a full-stack solution that implements the latest PayPal features and will be supported for years to come. By following the setup guide in the documentation, your account can be connected in just a few steps.
The integration is free and can be used by anyone with a PayPal casual or business account. So the best way to find out how it works for your particular setup is to give it a try, for example, on a staging site.
Since PayPal Payments is relatively new and substantially more complex than the Standard integration, there is more room for potential compatibility issues with other plugins, especially with heavily customized sites. Please refer to the documentation if you encounter any issues and let us know if any questions remain.
Feedback about your experience with the setup is also always appreciated, especially if there’s anything we could improve on. We try to assist if any questions arise in any case.
Kind regards,