• I’m trying to make the middle section of my site fluid so that i’m not limited to 500px. Any help would be appreciated because I’m a css newb and I’ve just been getting no where with this:

    Theme Name: Scratch
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    ol.commentlist li .commentmetadata a{
    	color: #546477;
    form#commentform small{
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    Any suggestions would be great! thanks

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  • Thread Starter zeboink


    gah! i know it’s a lot to ask, but if you can fix it, or help me enough to fix it I’ll paypal you some cash.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Just the CSS is not enough for somebody to help you. The CSS is meaningless without actually seeing the page. Post a link to your site if you want somebody to respond.

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