That last bit of code I was using to try to adjust space between paragraphs. However, this was taken care of once I removed Microsoft Word from the picture by typing in the article, and not pasting it in. HOWEVER, I did then try to adjust the space using this code [and changing the second margin number] and nothing happened. The standard space between paragraphs remained in default mode.
My question re: the text in the post has to do with changing the style of the font, not the color. The variation in the text’s size and boldness [the way I have it now] I want to preserve.
As to your first suggestion, I tried this using the color ‘Grayish blue’, and nothing happened. It’s still the default color for titles. I’d also prefer a font style to match the text of the post.
OVERALL: the only code change that’s worked for me is in the header.php, which I imported to Child through my Gator Host file manager. The change I made keeps the header image just on the first page.
In other words: I have not been able to add code [the way you’re suggesting] under my Child style.css and have it “register” as a change. I’m wondering why that is. There must be something wrong here, only what?