Changing font colors – Menus; links; text overall
I have created the child theme for Hueman and am making my changes there. I saw in this forum where a very short bit of code was given to help someone who wanted to change the text color of blog entries, so I am hoping there’s something as simple for font color of menu items and other links in the website.
So far, I have not been successful in changing the background colors of the drop-down menus in the nav bar, either. Any help there?
Lastly, any help for designating a darker color for text across the entire website?
Thanks in advance for all your help!
I may have found my answer, after much searching and reading of some very interesting threads in this forum. On page 8 I found:
“How to change the Top Bar /Menu text color”I haven’t tried the guidelines yet, but if they work I’ll return and mark this Resolved. Might need to start another thread for the text color across the entire site; we’ll see.
I love this theme.
So far, zero success. My efforts changed the active link color, but not the menu item text and not the background color itself. Since my site has a white background and the menu items are in white text, you can’t see there even is a menu, except for the active page menu item. If you luck out and just chance to mouse over the nav-bar, the light grey background appears and you can (barely) see the white text menu item. I’m almost ready to scrap my child theme and start over, I’ve altered it so much trying to get this to work.
Unless there’s more to the Page 8 code that I am supposed to intuitively know to add, I’m just at a standstill.
Also, the plugin Contact Form 7 looks really bad in this theme. I’ve read that Alex built it into the theme, but I had it on my previous theme and thought it migrated over. Does anyone know of other “Contact Us” plugins that work well with Hueman? And if so, how do I remove Contact Form 7 to replace it?
I need to start trusting myself, but I’m still so new at all this, it’s usually my last resort.
This is a copy/paste of what was in my child theme, right out of the box:
/* ———————————————————— *
* Theme customization starts here
/* ———————————————————— */After nothing worked that I tried, I finally went in and took out all the extra “pretty” asterisks and slashes between the opening /* and the closing */ of the above and, instantly, all my alterations appeared.
Now, it looks like this, and now it works:
/* ——————————————-
Theme customization starts here
——————————————- */Embarrassing.
1. Could you recommend a different contact plugin other than Contact Form 7?
2. What is the code to change the default font color used throughout the entire website?
3. I’m still failing when it comes to changing the background color of the drop-down menus. Is there a batch of code for that?
Thank you for your help.
I might not have expressed my need clearly enough in my last post, so I’ll try again.
1. Contact Form 7 does not look right in the Hueman theme. HOw do I remove it and could you recommend a different contact plugin?
2. The default font color throughout the entire website is too light and I’d like to make it darker. Could you let me know where to find the code for that?
3. I’m still having difficulty with the background color of the drop-down menus. The code I’m using which Alexander gave on this support forum seems to have no effect, so perhaps I need to be altering it differently. Would you mind going over that again?
The site is still under construction and hidden from public view, or I’d post a link.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I hope someone replies to this post as I have the same issues. I’m very new at this stuff.
I hope someone replies to this post as I have the same issues. I’m very new at this stuff.
1. Disable and/or delete the contact form 7 plugin, remove all leftover short-codes you may have added to any pages. Jetpack has a simple contact form that seems to work well with Hueman
2. To change the font weight, which will make your font darker without changing the color, just add this to your custom css or child themes style sheet:
body { font-weight: 400; }
change the number to whatever fits your need, the higher the number the darker the font.
3. The color of your drop down background should be inherited from your menus background color. Could you post a link to the code Alex gave you or could you post the code you used here?
@canwoodchuck: Thank you so much for adding to this thread. I had gotten no response whatsoever before you posted.
@beefstick: Thank you for your response. I’ve been struggling with these specific issues every day for over two weeks now. (I tried on my own before posting.)
1. I’ll try the contact form that comes with Jetpack. I’m not sure what you mean about shortcodes though… connected with Contact Form 7, in particular?
2. Thanks for the info on changing the font-weight. Can you also change the font color in the same way?
body { font-color: E8F7FE; }
(That’s definitely not the color I’d use throughout a site, but is a random example.)
3. I discovered after posting the page # in my earlier question that the page numbers of course change, as more posts are made to this forum, but the code Alexander posted for someone else was:
#nav-header.nav-container { background-color: red; } @media only screen and (min-width: 720px) { #nav-header .nav ul { background-color: red; }
That’s a copy/paste from this forum, complete with un-closed bracket/tag. (And maybe that’s the issue, as it was with the comment that came in the child theme sample I mentioned above? Maybe that’s why I couldn’t get it to work?)
Thank you very much for any help you can give. It is greatly appreciated.
@dglauren you’re welcome. I’m glad you got a result. I am so new at this stuff I don’t even know how to add that code to the custom css or child theme. There has to be an easier way than editing internal files.
@canwoodchuck: Have you created your child theme? If not:
1. Go to your WP Dashboard, then Appearance, then Theme Options.
2. In the top right, click Help. In the menu that opens, look for the link to download the sample child theme.
3. Once downloaded, go to Appearance, then Themes. Click Add New, up at the top.
4. Upload the child theme just like you would any other. (I can’t go through the next steps without doing them, so I hope they’re obvious, but you can give it any name you like. Most conventions suggest honoring the original author plus whatever else you like. My child theme is named Hueman Child – DGLauren.)
5. Next, go back to the theme options (in Appearance) and in the General tab, make sure you select ON for the Custom Stylesheet and save your changes.Once your child theme is installed and activated…
6. Go to Appearance > Editor. Your child theme stylesheet should be showing. Make sure, by noting the name of it in the top right.
7. Check to be sure the custom styling section looks like this:/* ------------------------------------------- Theme customization starts here ------------------------------------------- */
(Mine had too many slashes in it to work properly.
8. Do you have a text editor, like Notepad++? If not, that’s free, get it. Copy the code you find from helpers here on the forum into Notepad++, then copy that version and paste it after the “Theme customization…—–*/ section.
9. I’d recommend making a full copy of that stylesheet before you do anything to it, so you have it as backup in case you do something you later need to change.
10. Also, I found out the hard way, just make small changes at a time and test each one. If it works, go on to the next; if not, remove it or make some changes to it and test it again.(I removed a huge section of my alterations all at one time and when I clicked to update the changes, it temporarily crashed my test site.)
I might have left out some steps, but I hope that helps.
@dg Thank you so much. That is the first time someone actually put the ideas into words that made sense to me. Thanks for your help. I will give it a try.
Do you know of any lessons or tutorials available for beginners like me. I really need to get a basic understanding of how to work with code.
Thanks again for your help. Bruce@canwoodchuck: You’re welcome! You don’t know how happy it made me to read your response, because I was able to offer help in the way that I always wish I could get it, lol. BASICS! Plus, it was fun to actually find something I could help with.
I’ll have to reread’s forum rules to make sure I’m not posting something that would be contrary, but as soon as I get back from running errands, I’d be happy to direct you to free online tutorials I’ve found that helped me out tremendously. Sorry I can’t take time to do it right now. I’ll be back, though.
What were you concerned that may have breached the forum guidelines? I can’t see anything.
Thank you much appreciated
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