there is a way to update what is get from widget variables for counting old values, but this is becoming too much complicated to achieve with the new Ajax way used for speed up rendering.
Before this it was just a little Javascript to put in the widget text for having that result and I usually give it to people, but as now it is more complicated we had planned to add those options instead.
Adding that value into the database directly is not trivial (for example if you have 5000 old visits you need to create 5000 records in DB for have them counted and the records have to meet some requirement to being counted)
As a programmer if you really need it soon, the simple way is to modify the source of newstatpress/includes/api/variable.php
In it there are some peace of code like:
if ($var=='alltotalvisits') {
and then
if ($qry != null) {
echo $qry[0]->pageview;
that code calculate all the total visits, so if your old value was 5000 you need to have this:
if ($qry != null) {
echo $qry[0]->pageview+5000;
You need to catch the code of the variable you use in the widget (example %totalpageviews%) and add the value like I show above.
The disadvantage of this (not counting the difficulty for a people that has never programmed before to follow the above suggestion) is that at every plugin update you lose that modifications, so I did not directly suggest to people to use this way.
as you have problem with the contact form of the site, try to write at newstatpress [at] altervista.org if you want that I modify the variable.php for you and send with your old values added. You then need to put into your site with ftp. This could be just a temporally fix for your No Profit until the function will be ready in next version