• letstalkfilm



    I would like to change the green/blue to orange and the 2 black text boxes and font colour to blue. I can’t seem to find where I can change this. Could you please help me out?

    Many thanks,

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  • Hey there Sara,

    How are you doing today?

    I’d like to help with changing that but I’m not sure which parts are you looking to change. Could you please post link to your site and screenshot or explanation of which parts you’d like to change.

    Looking forward for your reply.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter letstalkfilm


    Hi Bojan,

    Thanks for getting back to me and for offering to help. In the meantime we have developed quite some questions, I hope they’re all clear.

    We would like to choose the full with page. Is it by any chance possible to have a full with text box but having such long sentences. When choosing the full with option we see the homepage image on top of the page, In your demo you only see the specific page. How can we get rid of the home page image on the menu pages?
    We would like to add an Could you please let us know how we can create a team page as in your demo?

    Everything in the site that is turquoise we would like to make organge (kleur code) This means:
    – the line above the selected menu en menu item
    – The lines between the blog posts / or on right column
    – When clicking on a page with multiple sub pages the line that appears above the black box.
    – the line under home page picture.
    – The text block on the homepage image
    – the widget icons
    – The find out more buttons
    – The lines around the tags and mouse over option
    – All links
    Everything black except the text we could like to make blue (color code)

    How can we get the widget icons onto the home page?
    On the left top side we have changed the phone number for an email address. So we also would like to change the phone icon for an email icon but we dont know how. Also we would like to know how to delete the widgets in the footer, now there are 3 set and cant sem to find where or how to delete these.

    Instead of the widgets in the footer we would like to add a contact form on the home page. Can you let us know how to add this?

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.


    Hey there Sara,

    First of all I’m not representing theme author so I’m not sure which demo you’re referring to, I checked the theme preview and I can’t see the image there as well. When I select static page for my home page I’m not getting image on the top of my page. I guess this can be removed with some custom CSS but for that I’ll need you to post link to your site.

    As for the CSS changes this will have to be done by adding a lot of custom CSS. I’ll explain how I did the following so you can apply the same for other elements.

    For the line above menu please try adding the following CSS code in the style.css file of your child theme or add it in your site using the following plugin:


    .main-navigation li:hover > a, .main-navigation li.current_page_item a, .main-navigation li.current-menu-item a {
    border-top: 4px solid #10b9b9;

    This will change the top border of the current menu item. Replace the color hex value to the one that you want. You can use sites similar to this one to get hex value for the color of your choice:


    For the page title bar background color please add the following:

    header.entry-header {
    background-color: #EFEFEF;

    This will change the background color on the title bar, you’ll also have to replace the color hex value for the color of your choice.

    All of these changes can be done using developer tools and inspecting element. You can find more information here https://developer.chrome.com/devtools.

    Simply right click / inspect element on the element you want to edit and on the right side you’ll see properties of that element. As an example I’ll use the top border of menu elements, if you inspect your home page item you’ll see the following https://screencast.com/t/hC8ee1V1i. Simply copy the code and change the color hex value to the color of your choice and paste it as custom CSS as explained above.


    I’m not sure where you’re making these changes. I’ve looked through theme settings and couldn’t find options to add phone number which leads me to believe you’re using premium version of the theme. If that is the case forum rules prevents us assisting with commercial products, sorry.

    You can read more about that here:

    For these changes will need to seek assistance with the theme developer.

    You should be able to remove the footer widgets in Appearance >> Widgets by removing them from left, center and right footer column.

    Hope this helps ??

    Best regards,

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