• Hi there,
    I’m trying out the waving portfolio theme and really liking it so far! But I’d like to modify the background colors of the category buttons to remove the hot-pink color when the category has been selected. It’s a little too loud for my site.

    I have a very rudimentary knowledge of css, and have already been able to modify a few other portions of the plugin already, but I can’t seem to figure out how to change the background-color of your buttons this way. Is it possible to do via modifying the page css? If so, could you show me the code for it?

    If not, is there a way you can set your default “light” theme to be a little more generic in color? Your pink and purple color palette will only match a handful of websites. Thank you!


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  • I’d like to know this as well. I found an old link that suggested needing to change a javascript file in the plugin’s assets directory. Surely that isn’t the answer since updating the plugin will overwrite all changes.



    I would like to know as well.. My understanding of CSS is not rudimentary and as far as I can tell the active state is inline.

    I see this thread is a few months old, but I thought I would post the solution in case anyone else comes across this:

    This isn’t declared inline exactly. It’s set using jQuery onClick. Since there isn’t a menu provided where colors can be customized, the way to overcome this is to dequeue the js that came with the plugin and enqueue a custom file in your child theme.

    If you’re not using a child theme, I would strongly recommend one. It prevents resetting all your changes every time you update.

    So, first thing you need to do is go to YOUR-ROOT-DIR/wp-content/plugins/waving-portfolio/assets/js and copy the custom.js file to your child theme. You’ll need to create a folder for it YOUR-ROOT-DIR/wp-content/themes/YOUR-CHILD-THEME/scripts. Now edit your copy of the file and change the color on line 19 to whatever you want.

    Once you’ve created a copy of the file in the folder you created, you’ll want to open (or create) your functions.php file in your child theme dir. If you don’t have one yet, create it and make sure there is an open php tag at the top.

    Now you want to add this function to dequeue the plugin script and enqueue yours:

     * Dequeue Wave Portfolio js to allow for color change
     * Hooked to the action, with a late priority (100),
     * so that it is after the script was enqueued.
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wave_portfolio_script_fix', 100);
    function wave_portfolio_script_fix()
        wp_enqueue_script('YOUR-CHILD-THEME-custom-script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/scripts/custom.js', array('jquery'));

    Make sure to add the name of your child theme on the enqueue line. After that you’re done. Save your function file and refresh your page.


    We were facing same issue but finally we got solution by some R&D.
    the color written in jquery file and hence can’t be overwrite.

    We had did following thing to change category tab color.

    To change Hover color we have add following css which overwrite plugin default css.
    just change box shadow color;

    button.waving-button:hover {
    color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) !important;
    box-shadow: #ff6633 0 80px 0px 2px inset !important;
    font-weight: bold !important;

    and activated/ selected category default pink color we changed in asset/cutom.js file
    please update color code here



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by abahalkar.
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