• How is it possible I change the color of the links but it doesn’t change.
    I have been chasing my tail with this for days.
    The links are a purple color and look terrible. My tag cloud was the same so I had to use a different cloud.
    I’ve changed my link color to the same light blue as the tag cloud to the right.
    I changed it in both light and dark themes and use Super Cache. Nothing. I’m using the dark theme.

    This is the color I changed it to but its purple.


    a:link {
    color: #67a9ea;

    My blog is here and don’t mind the mess. its been terrible slow going https://joe-lynn.com/Prints/

    Some help would really be appreciated!
    Thanks! ??

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Is this the webpage you see https://awesomescreenshot.com/018q3ivc4 ?
    If so, which links are you referring to as purple?

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    Well now I’m a bit confused cause I am seeing them in purple. I have deleted the cache 400 times now and same in my iron browser with ctrl and F5.
    I guess I will need to use another browser just to see the changes.
    Thanks for looking. I am lost with this one. I have websites and blogs all over and never came across this :s

    Thanks again!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Which browser & browser version is the problem occurring in?

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    I tried a different browser, firefox. Now I see 1 link in blue and 1 in purple. Any idea what is causing this?
    Its awfully hard to work on if I can’t see changes.

    Here’s what I see on firefox.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I don’t see that on Firefox 16.0. Can you state the browser versions that the issues occur in?

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    I use SRWare Iron version 19,00,11.000 or something like that.
    It works terrible with my Joomla sites so I use firefox for those. The latest.

    SRWare never had issues before with any of my blogs. This is my 3rd.

    SRWare is showing all links in purple and Firefox is showing what I showed in the screenshot. Not sure what I can do about it.

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    I’m using the portable firefox ver. 17 for the one I took the screen from.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Sorry, I’ve just updated to Firefox 17.0.1 and can’t replicate the issue.
    How are you clearing your cache? In some browsers, control and f5 is deprecated.

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    SRWare is an iron browser exactly the same as google chrome.

    The firefox portable I use is ver. 17.
    I just tried the installed version I have and is the same exact result but its ver 13. Also firefox is showing terrible colors in the theme while the iron looks great.

    I guess its time to put this to rest for a while. I am just chasing my tail and getting nowhere.

    People will visit from a lot of browsers. Apparently this theme will only work right on 1 version of firefox.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Does your website pass validation methods from W3C’s validator tool?

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    I got this result ??

    Validation Output: 5 Errors

    Line 34, Column 38: Self-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
    <a href="https://joe-lynn.com/Prints" /><img src="https://joe-lynn.com/Prints/wp-c…
     Line 34, Column 127: An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
    …://joe-lynn.com/Prints/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/sidexside-logo180.png" />
     Line 42, Column 7: Stray end tag head.
     Line 44, Column 76: An body start tag seen but an element of the same type was already open.
    <body class="home page page-id-119 page-template-default custom-background">
     Line 44, Column 76: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.
    <body class="home page page-id-119 page-template-default custom-background">
    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    I guess I broke this page now and can’t post on it. When I try it jumps to my website.
    Anyway thanks a lot for the help.
    I will see what I can do about these errors.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    i can’t post sorry

    Thread Starter joe-lynn


    I’m very new to websites and just wing it with only the help of google. I haven’t even used forums.
    I will see what I can do to fix the errors.
    Thanks again Andrew!

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