• Im sorry if this question already has come up here, but i diddnt find it. Well, in my website i can change everything, i know about css, html, php and other things. However, i can’t change the links on the blogroll (links). In the source code, the css class is “xoxo blogroll”, but i have been trying to put that class in style.css. Can you guys give me a hand? This is the source code…

    <div class=”left-sidebar”>

    <div id="linkcat-2" class="wp-widget widget_links"><div class="wp-widget-title">Universidades</div>
    	<ul class='xoxo blogroll'>

    Can anybody solve this? Am i trying the wrong css classes in stylesheet?

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  • A link to your site would help…

    Thread Starter daniel-balsini


    Esmi, if you could please help me, here is the link. My website is in portuguese (im brazilian).

    Alright, here is the website: https://www.provasvestibular.com.br/
    Now, i want to change the colors of the links at the widgets “Universidades” e “Categorias”, they are orange and i can’t find the css classes. That’s because they are in “xoxo blogroll”.

    If you take a look at the source code, here are the classes:

    Left Widget

    <div class="left-sidebar">
    <div id="linkcat-2" class="wp-widget widget_links"><div class="wp-widget-title">Universidades</div>
    	<ul class='xoxo blogroll'>

    Right Widget

    <div class="right-sidebar">
    <div id="categories-415509402" class="wp-widget widget_categories"><div class="wp-widget-title">Categorias</div>		<ul>
    			<li class="cat-item cat-item-5">

    This classes are not on the source code and i have try to put them there but i think im using the wrong css code.

    So for the left sidebar i think its the class “xoxo blogroll” and for the right is “cat-item”… can anybody help me to find the right css codes? Thanks.

    On the left sidebar, it’s {style.css (line 314)

    .xoxo li a

    Change color code accordingly. But if you want to restrict the color change to just blogroll widget links and no other widget links, add the following to the bottom of style.css:

    .blogroll li a {#color:#000099;}

    Again, change the color code accordingly.

    On the right side, I can only see text widgets at present.

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