Thank You, This section was very helpful. At first I thought about just using a background image like I do in the frontpage version of my website; but then I thought through it a bit better. Background images do not translate easily in SEO efforts. However the Title and Tagline are both text items which do.
Pretty much my original background image was a word art rendering, with a pretty colored background. Taking that into account, the background image when used as a background image only is an excellent tool.
Thank You all for helping me think through this, so that I can use the tools more effectively. I really love how the Blog Title is a hyperlink to the blog’s main page, that’s a very useful tool.
Right now I’m reading through WordPress for Dummies and PHP/MySQL for Dummies to help me understand the WordPress Blog program better. I’m practicing in a database I literally called practice until I get comfortable enough with the how to’s to start converting my outdated website from MS Frontpage to the WordPress format which is a Godsend for functionality.
Thank You Everyone, is a Godsend Technical Community.
I would have never known to consider it if a friend of mine working at UALR had not told me is the basis for their website architecture. I’ve also noticed that many of the most advanced sites online now are based in php and mysql; such as .
Uploading the modified image I wish to use for Header background to the theme folder, subfolder img, then saving the modified image as header.gif allowed me to update desired modified image over the one that came with the theme I downloaded. Thank You all for this forum update, I doubt that I would have figured this out on my own, at least not without futzing something up along the way. You saved me a ton of time and heart ache!
Thank You!