• Hi,

    I want to change the background for posts and pages on the Twenty Thirteen theme whilst keeping the default backgrounds for the header and footer. Is it possible to do this and if so how would I go about doing it?


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  • You can add some CSS for the background of the #main container:

    #main {
       background-color: #ccccff;   /* light blue */

    You can even add an image, if you’d like, with the background-image property; just make sure the image is light enough so it doesn’t interfere with the text.

    Since TwentyThirteen doesn’t have a custom CSS option, you can use a CSS plugin like Lazyest Stylesheet or Custom CSS Manager to copy in your custom CSS.

    “add an image, if you’d like, with the background-image property”
    where is that?
    It works well with colours, but what would be the code for an image?
    My problem is that I cant’t get rid of the white background of the theme’s inner area on my pages and posts. I know twenty thirteen is not made for that, but is there a way as you wrote?
    Whenever I use various background plugins, the images only appear behind the white background of my pages on the outter area…

    but what would be the code for an image?

    You would use the background-image property like this:

    #main {
       background-image: url('https://mysite.com/images/background.jpg');

    My problem is that I cant’t get rid of the white background of the theme’s inner area on my pages and posts.

    Did you try installing the Custom CSS Manager plugin and copying the CSS from my previous post into the Custom CSS field?


    I have tried with edit css (on my child theme) and with the custom css plugin.

    On edit css, it works for the colour, but somehow when I try with a picture, the code disappear when I save change in stylesheet, so no background image.

    On custom css plugin, changing the colour is also working, as for the background image, the code doesn’t disappear, but the background remain white…

    I use a twenty thirteen child theme.


    Can you post a link to your site, please?


    and here is the code (with the copy/paste of the media link) to get the background image.

    #main {
    ? background-image: url(‘https://www.teateroen.dk/WP/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bacgroundWP.jpg’);

    This is what I see when I examine your code:

    #main {
    ? background-image: url('https://mysite.com/images/background.jpg');
    #main {
    	background-color: #BFCFCC;
    /* aqua haze */

    You have the right CSS, just change it to look like this:

    #main {
       background-image: url('https://www.teateroen.dk/WP/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bacgroundWP.jpg');
       background-color: #BFCFCC;

    Actually it works moreless…
    I can either have a background colour that fits to the whole blog (both inner and outer area) or have a background image that only appears in the inner area (according to banner:1600 pixel wide), the outer area remaining white (it does not take both the image and the background colour line from the code you sent me).
    Moreover, the image is automatically repeated when the inner area becomes bigger than the picture, that is when you scroll down a long page…
    I guess that’s the limit. I might find a way not to repeat the image, but how to set the picture for both inner and outer area? Maybe the theme has an infinite background which makes a background image a challenge, unless the image follows the scroll down… That might be a solution…
    Any clue?

    Why don’t you give this CSS a try:

    body {
      background-image: url('https://www.teateroen.dk/WP/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bacgroundWP.jpg');
      background-position: center;
    .site {
      background-color: rgba(191, 207, 204, 0.6);

    What it does is set the body of the site to the background image, and the content area is semi-transparent so the image shows slightly through. The last parameter of background-color, 0.6, is the amount of transparency, with 0.0 being totally transparent and 1.0 being completely opaque.

    well it works in a way as it comes in the background as you would expect, behind textframes… but only in my dashboard (site/wp-admin). Not on the website that remains white and the dashboard functions appears on a transparent sidebar down left on the left side of the website…


    I did this

    #main {
    background-image: url(‘https://www.teateroen.dk/WP/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bacgroundWP.jpg’);
    background-position: center;

    .site {
    background-color: rgba(191, 207, 204, 0.6);

    and bg image comes ok. It does not matter so much that it does not show the image out of the inner area, that is, beyond the banner which is already 3600 pix wide.
    I am not sure that theme takes the .site css line…

    It still repeats image on a long page but only 1 page is concerned: “https://www.teateroen.dk/WP/prokektet/”. Which I can live with as it repeats for each new article in the page

    if you have a better solution, it is welcome.
    thx for help anyway.

    I saw a note on another string where someone was asking about how to have a background Page color in the 2013 Theme. The response was that the 2013 Theme is using a “full wide” page format which makes the idea on having a background Page color unworkable. But I think that statement is based on the assumption that “background page color” means something like a frame around a Page. That is not what I and some others have been asking about. What we are trying to do is have a Page with black text or other dark text which displays over a field of lighter color on the Page. Like black text on a light blue background. This is a feature that is common in Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. I tried setting up a page in MS Word like that and then copying and pasting it into a Page in the 2013 Theme but the background page color in MS Word did not transfer over to the Page in the 2013 Theme. Any ideas? Any plug-in that does this?

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

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