• Resolved FelixButzbach


    I was wondering if I could use the plugin in the following scenario:
    User 1 makes chances on his local version of the wp site that affect the database, like adding or changing a post.
    User 2 does the same thing and also changes something in the permalink structure.

    Would it now be possible for both to commit and push their local versions to a repo and the differences would be detected the right way?



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  • Plugin Author Expanded Fronts



    Revisr supports several different workflows regarding the database, but to answer your question accurately, can you please describe what you mean by “the differences would be detected the right way”?

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    ETA: The only reason I ask is because that’s something that will vary from site to site and is very open for interpretation.

    Thread Starter FelixButzbach


    Hello, thank you for your answer.

    I ment if it would work the normal way git handles conflicts, like telling the second user when trying to push his changes to the repository that there is a newer version of the database and that it is different from the one that he wants to upload.
    Git would then offer a way of choosing what changes to stay and what to delete.

    Hope I was now a little bit clearer. I am new to Git and Version controling in general.

    Plugin Author Expanded Fronts


    Currently the only way to do this within Revisr would be to have a staging server in between the local development environments and the live (production) server. The two users would work locally and push their file changes up to staging (which has a fresh file + database import from master), add any posts, config changes, etc, and only then push the necessary tables and files to production.

    Another benefit to this is that way you don’t have two different users always working on completely different data and there is agreement when pushing db changes live, helping to avoid conflicts in the first place.

    This process has some room for improvement (and will be improved), but I’ve had great success with it running on several sites, and it’s saved a great deal of time. But how exactly you implement it will depend on the specifics of the site and the changes being made. If you’re new to Git and version control in general I’d recommend spinning up a test site to try it out first.

    Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions on this. Thank you.

    Thread Starter FelixButzbach


    Hei ExpandedFonts,
    thanks for the super quick reply.

    This sounds pretty much how I am doing (try to do it) at the moment.
    I have a git (master) on a development server inside my wordpress root.
    Until now I dont have the production server but when I have it, I will push the development (staging) page live, after merging everything together.
    It just feels unhandy to do it that way, so I am searching for a better way to solve it.
    One problem is, that I am not sure what data is wordpress stores in database and what is in files…

    Your plugin will make the life easier, without doubt, so I will try to implement and use it.

    Thank you again for your answers.


    Thread Starter FelixButzbach


    Marking this as resolved, as I got the answer I was asking for. Thanks for this plugin!

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