@rdrup thanks for letting me know about a potential bug! There were changes to Asset CleanUp to make sure it works fine with Elementor. One of them which is important was the fact that Asset CleanUp is completely deactivated when the Elementor page builder is turned ON.
When you’re using the page builder, you’re previewing the page as if there are no Asset CleanUp settings (of any kind) applied. This has been done to avoid any problems such as JavaScript errors, the CSS/JS printed at the bottom of the page (if “Manage in the front-end” is enabled). In short, make sure the page builder always works fine and if the user unloaded by mistake a CSS/JS file, then the editor won’t be affected.
However, if you mistakenly unloaded via Asset CleanUp a CSS/JS file that is important for the content, then the page you view (outside the editor) will be messed up since the changes you applied in Asset CleanUp would take effect (unless you have “Test Mode” on and your visitors won’t be affected).
Please load the same page (the targeted page that you edited via the page builder) with the following query string applied “/?wpacu_no_load“. If it loads fine, then a setting from Asset CleanUp is messing up with the page’s look. Also, please load it via “/?wpacu_nocache” to make sure your browser won’t load a cached version of the page (e.g. usually pages with query strings are not cached, unless there are query stings that are irrelevant for the page’s content such as the ones from Google Analytics like “utm_source“, etc.).