Dear @agenceamar,
Thank you for your topic.
If we understand correctly, you want the Finish button width to match the width of the survey.
While we currently don’t have a direct option for this, our Development Team has written a new Custom CSS code special for you.
Please take the following CSS code and insert it into the Surveys > particular survey > Styles Tab > Custom CSS option.
Please, make sure to replace YOUR_SURVEY_ID with the actual ID of your survey (for example, [id*=’ays-survey-container-1′]).
Please use the following code:
[id*='ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID'] .ays-survey-section-buttons{
display: flex;
[id*='ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID'] .ays-survey-section-button-container:has(.ays-survey-finish-button:not(.ays-survey-display-none)){
flex: 1;
margin: 0;
[id*='ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID'] .ays-survey-finish-button{
width: 100%;
Please check this and let us know about the outcome.
Thank you.