Changes aren't being saved
I can’t remove any answers, can’t change them and I’m not able to turn off the “others” option! The back office removes answers and makes changes. But after reloading nothing has changed.
Hi John,
Make sure that your JavaScript is enabled.
Please try again and let us know if you need more help.Best wishes,
YOP Team
I don’t really understand what you mean with javascript enabled? On my computer (Macbook pro) or browser (Chrome and Firefox)? I restarted my computer and tried again. The problem remains.
Oké, I checked with firefox, Safari and Chrome, all have Javascript enabled. The problem remains.
Oh yes, just to be complete. I’m using the latest version of WordPress 3.9.1–nl_NL. Could that be the problem?
Hey John,
Did you install any other plugin recently?
This problem might be caused by a conflict between YOP Poll and another plugin.Regards,
YOP Team
I deactivated all plugins except Yop-Poll and still no solution.
Hi John,
Edit yop_poll_model.php and replace the edit_poll_in_database function with
public function edit_poll_in_database( $request = array(), $config = NULL ) { if ( $this->verify_request_data( $request, $config ) ){ $this->make_poll_from_request_data( $request, $config ); $result = self::get_poll_from_database_by_id( $this->poll['id'] ); if ( isset( $result['id'] ) ){ //update poll in db self::update_poll_in_database( $this->poll ); $poll_old_options = get_yop_poll_meta( $this->poll['id'], 'options', true ); if ( !isset( $poll_old_options['has_auto_generate_poll_page'] ) ){ $poll_old_options['has_auto_generate_poll_page'] = 'no'; } if ( !isset( $request['yop_poll_options']['auto_generate_poll_page'] ) ){ $request['yop_poll_options']['auto_generate_poll_page'] = 'no'; } if ( 'yes' != $poll_old_options['has_auto_generate_poll_page'] ){ if ( 'yes' == $request['yop_poll_options']['auto_generate_poll_page'] ){ $_p = array(); $_p['post_title'] = $this->poll['name']; $_p['post_content'] = "[yop_poll id='" . $this->poll['id'] . "']"; $_p['post_status'] = 'publish'; $_p['post_type'] = 'page'; $_p['comment_status'] = 'open'; $_p['ping_status'] = 'open'; $_p['post_category'] = array( 1 ); // the default 'Uncategorised' $poll_page_id = wp_insert_post( $_p ); $request['yop_poll_options']['poll_page_url'] = get_permalink( $poll_page_id ); $request['yop_poll_options']['has_auto_generate_poll_page'] = 'yes'; } } //update poll options in db $poll_options = array(); $default_options = get_option( 'yop_poll_options', false ); if ( isset( $request['yop_poll_options'] ) ){ foreach ( $request['yop_poll_options'] as $option_name => $option_value ) { if ( $default_options ){ if ( isset ( $default_options[$option_name] ) ){ if ( $default_options[$option_name] != $option_value ){ $poll_options[$option_name] = $option_value; } } } else { $poll_options[$option_name] = $option_value; } } } //this is for checkbox options if ( !isset( $request['yop_poll_options']['never_expire'] ) ){ $poll_options['never_expire'] = 'no'; } if ( isset( $request['yop_poll_options']['schedule_reset_poll_date'] ) ){ $poll_options['schedule_reset_poll_date'] = strtotime( $request['yop_poll_options']['schedule_reset_poll_date'] ); } else { $poll_options['schedule_reset_poll_date'] = current_time( 'timestamp' ); } if ( 'yes' == $request['yop_poll_options']['schedule_reset_poll_stats'] ){ $default_options['start_scheduler'] = 'yes'; } else { $change_start_scheduler_to_no = true; $yop_polls = self::get_yop_polls_fields( array( 'id' ) ); if ( count( $yop_polls ) > 0 ){ foreach ( $yop_polls as $yop_poll_id ) { if ( $yop_poll_id['id'] != $this->poll['id'] ){ $yop_poll_options = get_yop_poll_meta( $yop_poll_id['id'], 'options', true ); if ( isset( $yop_poll_options['schedule_reset_poll_stats'] ) && 'yes' == $yop_poll_options['schedule_reset_poll_stats'] ){ $change_start_scheduler_to_no = false; } } } } if ( $change_start_scheduler_to_no ){ $default_options['start_scheduler'] = 'no'; } else { $default_options['start_scheduler'] = 'yes'; } } update_option( 'yop_poll_options', $default_options ); //if ( count( $poll_options ) > 0 ) update_yop_poll_meta( $this->poll['id'], 'options', $poll_options ); //add update answers in db foreach ( $default_options as $option_name => $option_value ) { if ( isset( $poll_options[$option_name] ) ){ if ( $option_name != 'use_template_bar' ){ $default_options[$option_name] = $poll_options[$option_name]; } } } $this->make_answers_from_request_data( $request, $config ); if ( count( $this->answers ) > 0 ){ $answer_ids_for_not_remove = array(); $all_poll_answers = self::get_poll_answers( $this->poll['id'], array( 'default', 'other' ) ); foreach ( $this->answers as $answer ) { if ( $answer['id'] ){ self::update_answer_in_database( $answer ); $answer_id = $answer['id']; } else { $answer_id = self::insert_answer_to_database( $answer ); } //if( 'other' != $answer['type'] ) $answer_ids_for_not_remove[] = $answer_id; //insert poll answer options to db if ( 'other' != $answer['type'] ){ if ( isset( $request['yop_poll_answer_options'][$answer['name']] ) ){ $poll_answer_options = array(); foreach ( $request['yop_poll_answer_options'][$answer['name']] as $option_name => $option_value ) { if ( isset( $poll_options[$option_name] ) && $poll_options[$option_name] != $option_value ){ $poll_answer_options[$option_name] = $option_value; } elseif ( $default_options[$option_name] != $option_value ) { $poll_answer_options[$option_name] = $option_value; } if ( $option_name == 'is_default_answer' ){ $poll_answer_options[$option_name] = $option_value; } } //if ( count( $poll_answer_options ) > 0 ) { /*if ( isset( $request['yop_poll_options']['use_template_bar'] ) ) { if ( $request['yop_poll_options']['use_template_bar'] == 'yes' ) { if ( isset( $poll_answer_options[ 'use_template_bar' ] ) ) $poll_answer_options[ 'use_template_bar' ] = 'yes'; } }*/ update_yop_poll_answer_meta( $answer_id, 'options', $poll_answer_options, false ); } } } //deleting removed answers if ( count( $all_poll_answers ) > 0 ){ foreach ( $all_poll_answers as $answer ) { if ( !in_array( $answer['id'], $answer_ids_for_not_remove ) ){ self::delete_poll_answers_from_db( $answer['id'], $this->poll['id'] ); delete_yop_poll_answer_meta( $answer['id'], 'options' ); } } } } //update insert custom fields in db $this->make_custom_fields_from_request_data( $request, $config ); if ( count( $this->custom_fields ) > 0 ){ $customfield_ids_for_not_remove = array(); $all_poll_customfields = self::get_poll_customfields( $this->poll['id'] ); foreach ( $this->custom_fields as $custom_field ) { if ( $custom_field['id'] ){ self::update_custom_field_in_database( $custom_field ); $custom_field_id = $custom_field['id']; } else { $custom_field_id = self::insert_custom_field_to_database( $custom_field ); } $customfield_ids_for_not_remove[] = $custom_field_id; } //deleting removed custom_fields if ( count( $all_poll_customfields ) > 0 ){ foreach ( $all_poll_customfields as $customfield ) { if ( !in_array( $customfield['id'], $customfield_ids_for_not_remove ) ){ self::delete_poll_customfields_from_db( $customfield['id'], $this->poll['id'] ); } } } } else { self::delete_all_poll_customfields_from_db( $this->poll['id'] ); } return $this->poll['id']; } else { $this->error = __( 'This poll doesn't exist!', 'yop_poll' ); return false; } } else { return false; } }
Let us know if you need more help.
Best wishes,
YOP Team
Thanks for trying but this code stops the backoffice from working. Blanc screen. There is a bug in it.
I found the problem:
This poll doesn't exist!
was in the original fileThis poll doesn(backtick)t exist!
That is the only difference between these two functions. I compared them in Textwrangler.
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