Sure. v1.3 has quite a bit in it. Its in the readme.txt file, but for some reason WordPress themes don’t show a tab for the change log like it does for plugins.
* Added responsive video! This works automatically as long as the Jetpack plugin is active.
* Added basic support for the new Jetpack “Portfolio” post type. The title and description will display properly on the pages.
* Changed Google fonts to load more efficiently from functions.php instead of using @import in the stylesheet. This also makes it easier to override the fonts in child themes.
* Removed background color from the page as this was overriding the user’s chosen background color in the Theme Customizer
* Update page-fullwithposts.php and page-fullwithsubpages.php to put the page meta and comment section after the recent posts. This looks much nicer.
* Several fixes for multiple language support (fixed mismatched text domains, added some strings that were previously hard-coded, cleaned up some existing text strings, generated .pot translation file in the /languages directory)
* Added Spanish language support thanks to Carlos Folch <[email protected]>
* Added search field and login/logout link to the site-index page template
* Moved Page Top widget area below the full-width page header
* Since the footer menu doesn’t allow submenus, display only the top-level menu items
* Display a default footer when previewing the theme and upon initial installation of the theme
* Display a default Page Bottom widget when previewing the theme and upon initial installation of the theme
* Updated readme.txt to include instructions about removing these default widgets
* Added icon-xlg CSS class to easily make even larger icons for Font Awesome and Glyphicons
* Moved flat-bootstrap-child from being a submodule to included and managed directly by github in this parent theme