changed text in the exit intent
I already added the code in the function.php
function marcus_modify_title( $html ) {
$custom_title = ‘Did you mean to go without buying your equipment?’;
return preg_replace(‘#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#’, “$1 $custom_title $2”, $html);
add_filter( ‘cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_title_html’, ‘marcus_modify_title’ );function marcus_modify_text( $html ) {
$custom_text = “If you aren’t ready to buy just yet, you can save your cart by sending it to your email. This also gives you exclusive access to coupons and new product updates from Silent Sound System. We appreciate your business!”;
return preg_replace(‘#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#’, “$1 $custom_text $2”, $html);
add_filter( ‘cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_description_html’, ‘marcus_modify_text’ );The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
I already added that code in function.php but still the text does not changed
Hi @wptangerine
Thanks for your questions.
Your first functions works and we were able to change the title instantly as soon as we added your code to functions.php. However the second function where you are trying to change the description needs to be a little bit adjusted like so:function marcus_modify_text( $html ) { $custom_text = "If you arent ready to buy just yet, you can save your cart by sending it to your email. This also gives you exclusive access to coupons and new product updates from Silent Sound System. We appreciate your business!"; return $custom_text; }
Just make sure to enable Exit Intent Test mode to quickly see the results and changes while doing this and after this turn the test mode off.
Here is the screenshot with the results we got:
after I uploaded your code. the website shows error. please check the codes from functiosn.php
* The framework’s functions and definitions
* ————————————————————————————————
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* ————————————————————————————————
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* Enqueue scripts
* ————————————————————————————————
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* Adds JavaScript to pages with the comment form to support
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* ————————————————————————————————
* Get script URL
* ————————————————————————————————
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function woodmart_get_script_url( $script_name ) {
return WOODMART_SCRIPTS . ‘/’ . $script_name . ‘.min.js’;
* ————————————————————————————————
* Enqueue style for inline css
* ————————————————————————————————
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}add_post_type_support( ‘page’, ‘excerpt’ );
function marcus_modify_title( $html ) {
$custom_title = ‘Did you mean to go without buying your equipment?’;
return preg_replace(‘#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#’, “$1 $custom_title $2”, $html);
add_filter( ‘cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_title_html’, ‘marcus_modify_title’ );function marcus_modify_text( $html ) {
$custom_text = “If you arent ready to buy just yet, you can save your cart by sending it to your email. This also gives you exclusive access to coupons and new product updates from Silent Sound System. We appreciate your business!”;
return $custom_text;
}Hey @wptangerine
Could you share the error you got?
That would be great help since functions.php file seems to be fine.
Except you are missing this line:add_filter( ‘cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_description_html’, ‘marcus_modify_text’ );
It should be in functions.php if you want the Exit Intent description to be changed
it shows this error
Hey @wptangerine
Thanks for posting the error message.
Let us try stepping back a bit. Could you please do the following:- Remove any custom function that you have added to your functions.php file related with changing exit intent title and content (Make sure to save changes and check if the page is working fine)
- Enable CartBounty Exit Intent test mode and make sure that default title and content is shown
- Copy and add the code below to your functions.php file
- Double check to see that all quotation marks ” are correctly pasted and they haven’t been replaced by similar stuff that breaks the code. Example of how the code should look like after you have added it to your functions.php file
function marcus_modify_title( $html ) { $custom_title = "Did you mean to go without buying your equipment?"; return preg_replace("#(<h2[^>]*>).*?(</h2>)#", "$1 $custom_title $2", $html); } add_filter( "cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_title_html", "marcus_modify_title" ); function marcus_modify_text( $html ) { $custom_text = "If you arent ready to buy just yet, you can save your cart by sending it to your email. This also gives you exclusive access to coupons and new product updates from Silent Sound System. We appreciate your business!"; return $custom_text; } add_filter( "cartbounty_pro_exit_intent_description_html", "marcus_modify_text" );
Now at this point if no pasting issues have occurred, you should be getting a good result ??
In case if you are still experiencing issues, you might want to enable WordPress debugging and check the log file for a more detailed error information. Please post that here. I have added the code. but still showing this error
Thanks for the screenshots. Looks like you have done everything correct.
Could you please follow the link under that error message and enable WordPress debugging mode to get a more detailed error since this one doesn’t say where should we be looking next and what exactly might be wrong here.Please post the error message once you have it here and we will work from there. Let us know if you need additional help with this.
I code the went through but still the text does not change. I believe the code is not working.
Really sorry to hear that.
The code definitely works and we have currently tested it on multiple sites with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions.Here is what you could do:
- Enable WordPRess debugging (more info here: and open up log file after the error occurs to check additional information. It will give you a more detailed information which line of the code is causing the issue and what needs to be fixed
- Maybe try setting up a test environment and disable all of the plugins except WooCommerce and CartBounty to see if this is not a plugin issue
- The topic ‘changed text in the exit intent’ is closed to new replies.