• I’m very inexperienced with all of the cpanel side of things. I just changed hosts from hostIcan to crazydomains.

    I have uploaded my back ups and my files both through FTP and via their back up system.

    My name servers have been changed to point at crazydomains. BUT, since I uploaded my back ups it keeps redirecting my “home” page to hostIcan. The old hosts.

    I asked crazy domains for some help and this is the extent of what they told me. While this might seem enough for some of you more experienced people it’s all gibberish to me and I have no idea what they want me to do.

    So we can see what’s going on with your website as I have checked your web hosting and found that
    there is many files and folders.
    Also, please move files and folders to under public_html as some fils and folders are not public_html folder.
    To transfer the files from your computer to your website, simply copy the files you want to upload and paste them into your network place directory.

    Please note that: All files must go in the public_html folder. Do NOT place any other files anywhere but here.

    If you have further queries, please feel free to let us know.

    Thank you,

    I mean I can read what they want me to do, but I don’t know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated. If anyone would like to get my login details and have a good snoop around I would be ok about sharing those with you.


    web site is discoverboo.com but for obvious reasons it’s not there to look at!

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  • If you have some kind of shell access (if Linux) using either telnet or SSH then just perform a mv
    Otherwise as its a copy anyway, just recopy the files to the proper directory from whatever you used before.
    Anything above public_html is not web-accessible. That is the problem you have.

    Thread Starter Boo_77


    Wow. Webjunk, while I really appreciate that you stopped to take the time to reply to me I don’t think you read the most important thing. I’m very inexperienced with all of the cpanel side of things. What I mean by that is that once this site is set up and I am able to maintain it’s appearance through wordpress, I have nothing to do over in the cpanel if it’s not getting a back up.

    I have no idea what linux, telnet or SSH are much less performing an mv.

    When you say that anything ABOVE public_html is not web accessible do you mean that everything should be UNDER it or that everything should be IN it??

    I’m sorry I’ll be a PITA. I’m basically a mother who runs a family blog and doesn’t do it through blogger. I don’t write code or change code, I use templates.

    Your directory mapping on your host probably looks something like:
    or if on Windows hosting:

    Files in that directoy are accssible to the Internet as the ROOT (start) of your website directory mapping such as:

    You probably put the files (which will not work) in:

    which can not be accessed by the Internet.
    You never mentioned what you used to copy file the first time but you could use the same means but copy to the correct directory. If you want to use an FTP client yo could read the documentation on FTP here:

    If ANY of this is beyond your current abilities then you need to ask your Host’s Support group to assist you. The better hosts have no problem dealing with these tings. Otherwise you would be better off hiring someone. Otherwise you may end up with no website.

    Thread Starter Boo_77


    Thanks webjunk,

    could you tell me what kind of google search I need to do to find someone who can do this for me (what profession does this sort of thing?)?

    It’s probably going to end up at that, even though I feel the problem is probably easily fixed by my new hosts they are being ridiculously stupid.

    I told them about these two errors and they wrote back “Yes, we can help you. Please browse your web site again. Please feel free to let us know if you’re having more problems”

    Like, hello…that is NOT HELP!! I don’t have a web site to browse!?

    This is so frustrating.

    You have to move the database also.
    Login to your server, go to PhPMyadmin and look for your database.
    Change the url under Options and Home without / on the end. That’s it.


    Thread Starter Boo_77


    I have the database at the new host but the old host has shut me down. Is that something I need to do with the new or old one?

    I went to MyPhpadmin and clicked on the DB but can’t see an options button??

    Thank you for your help.

    Looks like you do not have a valid wp-config.php. It requires the info for the database. Hopefully you did move/import the database before your old host was shut down.

    Thread Starter Boo_77


    So I downloaded two back ups. A great big one called backup-10.25.2010_02-05-59_discover.tar.gz and a smaller one called discover_bvlt1.sql. I also downloaded this file but don’t know what it is or if it’s needed. information_schema.sql.

    I also went in via FTP and took the files. I didn’t know exactly what I needed so I took everything. it took forever. I have public_html included in that as well.

    As of right now, the larger file has been uploaded to cpanel and the smaller one has been done too. Though I can’t check (don’t know how) if it’s been restored. If I just try to use their upload function it takes me to a largely blank page that says “restoring database” but it does nothing and seems frozen.

    The wp-config.php from the old files is this…

    `// ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘discover_wpblog1’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘discover_wpblog1’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘*********’);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘latin1’);

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    Have no idea what “uploaded to cpanel” means. You again need to open a support ticket with your host. The wp-config.php probably will not work with the new host. ‘DB_NAME’ ‘DB_USER’ and maybe password may be changed at the new host. Again, best to confirm with the host.

    Thread Starter Boo_77


    I have a ticket open with them and just waiting on them now. Funny for 24/7 help desk they take over 10 hours to get back to you. And then it’s not advice or help anyway.

    I wonder now if I should just suck up the extra $60 a year to stay with hostIcan?

    When I say uploaded through cpanel.

    For the larger file we went in to backups, chose the file to upload and did it.

    For the smaller file that didn’t work so we went in through MyPhpAdmin, created a new database and uploaded the old file to it.

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