• Resolved Robert Eichhorn


    My web host says if I ‘Change WordPress URL’ at the database, or in the Dashboard at Settings>General, I need to update the ‘RewriteBase’ path to ‘/’ and ‘RewriteRule’ path to ‘./index.php’ in the .htaccess file into the ‘/wordpress’ folder.
    Question: True or False.

    My web host also says if I ‘Change WordPress URL’ it may break the images or widgets I may have added through activated theme or any plugin. So, I need to re-configure those on my WP site.
    Question: True or False.

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Those aren’t really true or false questions.

    My web host says if I ‘Change WordPress URL’ at the database, or in the Dashboard at Settings>General, I need to update the ‘RewriteBase’ path to ‘/’ and ‘RewriteRule’ path to ‘./index.php’ in the .htaccess file into the ‘/wordpress’ folder.


    My web host also says if I ‘Change WordPress URL’ it may break the images or widgets I may have added through activated theme or any plugin. So, I need to re-configure those on my WP site.


    See this article for more details.


    Thread Starter Robert Eichhorn


    @jan – I read the Codex article ‘Changing The Site URL’ but I don’t recall any information on needing to update the .htaccess file if I ‘Change WordPress URL’ at the database or in Settings>General. This step definitely needs clarification so thanks for the help.

    Why are you using the ‘Change WordPress URL’ Codex page in the first place? What is it that you trying to do?

    Thread Starter Robert Eichhorn


    @esmi. My website designer set up a redirect to point my domain name to the WordPress site (folder). My web host informed me that there is a better method from a search engine standpoint – meaning improving search engine ranking. The method they recommend is ‘Change WordPress URL’ at the database – meaning change the WordPress URL and the Site URL (Home and Site URL).

    What is the current url of your site? And what is the url you want to use?

    Thread Starter Robert Eichhorn


    URL (with original domain name): https://www.usdafarmsubsidyfraud.info
    Folder WordPress is installed in: farm

    So, my website designer redirected my original URL with domain name to include the folder WordPress is installed in.
    Redirect: https://www.usdafarmsubsidyfraud.info/farm

    This way my original URL is pointing to my WordPress site.

    Edit Note:
    For some reason your WP text editor added https:// to my redirect URL. It should start with www.

    You need to follow the instructions in Allowing WordPress to take over the root domain.

    Thread Starter Robert Eichhorn


    @esmi – Thanks for the link.

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