hello good sir. this plugin was an absolute ordeal. i found “bugger all” video tutorials, tried so many forums, running through posts, found many ones that you, yourself replied to, tried them all & got nowhere in order to get some info on such a simple thing like changing text colour and found nothing, coupled with the fact that you people expect us to know html in order to use and understand placeholder which excludes regular people like me (and i actually know some html), and tripled with the fact that i emailed you guys directly with “presales question” and you replied with an automated response stating you do not help unless we pay. Really?? I mean how bloody hard is it to make a few wicked videos to demonstrate how to use them? Aren’t you people making enough money from your plug in to make a few handy videos??? In result I’ve purchased from another company which in actual fact (and no offense intended here) looks much better than yours & a billion times easier to use and customize. “Hail WooCommerce Tickets”
The 3 hours of my life i wasted with your plugin has made me not only hate your company for making it unnecessarily hard to obtain information to change just a small thing like “font colour” (and believe me i tried dammit), but it’s made me love what i found even more.
Cheers buddy