Thanks very much for the link, interesting. Don’t understand exactly how this will work in the future though. Do you need the glotpress plugin to actually display translations in WordPress, or is it just for translators and development?
But never mind, I will hear or read more about it later.
You’re right about the benefits of a central place for translations of course. But I must say, I’ve always loved the po/mo files, since they offer you the opportunity to make a custom translation.
I use them a lot myself. Sometimes because I think my translation is better, but for SEO reasons as well (imagine you own a Woocommerce bookshop, it’s much better to translate ‘products’ into ‘books’).
Well, ok. Any ideas when this ‘glotpress’ project will be actually available for WordPress and your plugin? Because right now, we have no other option to translate the title ‘Page’ than by changing the php file (core.php), I suppose. But that’s not a very preferable method to do it of course.
Thanks again,