Hi, to remove the auto scroll you will need to edit the owl.script.js located in the /js directory of the plugin. Please remember if we update this plugin again, you will loose the change you made, but if you look at this file, you will see the :
autoPlay : true,
for each of the 4-column, 3-column, 2-column and 1-column. So depending on what you use (unless you want to make the change for all) you would edit the autoPlay for the column you want.
As for the images, we don’t use the constriction of width and height to make sure that the image fills the space proportionally all the way down on every responsive size. If you want to target these images specifically to adjust the height and width you would need to do this with CSS or hack the plugin (cr3ativ-recentposts-carousel-widget.php or cr3ativ-recentposts.php – depending on if you are using shortcodes or widget) to change the image to use a specific size.
For the widget you would look for this line in cr3ativ-recentposts-carousel-widget.php:
“><?php the_post_thumbnail(‘full’);?>
For the shortcode you would look for this line in cr3ativ-recentposts.php:
$temp_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, ‘full’);
change the ‘full’ for ‘thumbnail’ or ‘medium’ or ‘large’ to adjust the size unless you want to use an array to adjust the size but if you do this for 1 it will do it for all, you can target single images. Using an array would look something like this:
< ?php the_post_thumbnail(array(200,200)); ?>