Change this single drop down to two drop downs? (custom post type search bar)
How can I change this search bar drop down, which displays everything, including child categories, in one long list, to two drop downs? I need one to select state and the other to select city. I’m afraid one list will be too long. The below code is greek to me…
<button class="btn-topsearch" type="submit" tabindex="3" title="<?php _e( 'Search Ads', APP_TD ); ?>" id="go" value="search" name="sa"><?php _e( 'Search Ads', APP_TD ); ?></button> <?php wp_dropdown_categories('show_option_all='. __( 'All Categories', APP_TD ) .'&hierarchical='. $cp_options->cat_hierarchy .'&hide_empty='. $cp_options->cat_hide_empty .'&depth='. $cp_options->search_depth .' &show_count='. $cp_options->cat_count .'&pad_counts='. $cp_options->cat_ count.'&orderby=name&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=1&tab_index=2 &name=scat&selected='.cp_get_search_catid().'&class=searchbar&taxonomy= '.APP_TAX_CAT); ?>
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