• Resolved Jacks89


    Hi, how do I allow the subscriber to alter the their initial vote?

    Not like revote. I don’t want the user to vote multiple time but I will like the user to change their vote as many as they want.

    I tried to use acf update_field but I am not sure how to complement them.
    update_field('field_559c9a79bed35', the_field( 'field_559c9a79bed35', get_the_ID() ) , get_the_ID());

    Any advice?



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  • Thread Starter Jacks89


    Additionally. Instead of changing the vote, I tried to remove it from database using the follow:

    if ( function_exists( 'the_field' ) ) {
    		global $wpdb;
    		$results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT rating FROM $wpdb->acfsrf where user_id=".get_current_user_id()." AND meta_id=".get_the_ID() );
    		if ($results != NULL){
    			 function removeVote() {
    					global $wpdb;
    					$results2 = $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->acfsrf , array( 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'meta_id' => get_the_ID()  ) );
    					if ($results2){
    						echo "deleted successfully";
    				if (isset($_GET['vote_remove'])) {
    				<a href='index.php?vote_remove=true'>Remove your rate!</a>
    		<?php } else{
    	        $star_rating = get_field( 'field_55b60d9089739', get_the_ID());

    I managed to remove the row from database. And the user can vote again. However the data persist. May I know where else do I have to remove aside from wp_acfsrf?

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author lienann


    there is no such opportunity in this plugin.

    Sorry, my English is bad, but:

    You right: rating`s data stored in wp_acfsrf table.
    But wp_acfsrf data not used in showing of rating results(only for check permission and rules setting).

    Data used in showing – wp_postmeta table’s data. These data are serialized (example: a2: {s: 4: “avrg”; s: 1: “0”; s: 5: “votes”; s: 1: “0”}).
    Before deleting data from wp_acfsrf, you must recalculate the data wp_postmeta (example):
    $new_result = array (
    ‘avrg’ => $new_avrg,
    ‘votes’ => $votes – 1);
    update_field ($field_key, $new_result, $ post_id);
    But in this case, all user’s voting data will be erased.

    Thread Starter Jacks89


    Thanks for hint.

    I am not sure if I did it correctly but I managed to get it working.

    if ( function_exists( 'the_field' ) ) {
    		global $wpdb;
    		$result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT rating FROM $wpdb->acfsrf where user_id=".get_current_user_id()." AND meta_id=".get_the_ID() );
    		if ($result != NULL){
    			 function removeVote() {
    					global $wpdb;
    					//GET current user rating
    					$result2 = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT rating FROM $wpdb->acfsrf where user_id=".get_current_user_id()." AND meta_id=".get_the_ID() );
    					$current_rate = ($result2[0]->rating);
    					//GET the current result and segregate result
    					$result3 = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta where meta_key='rate' AND post_id=".get_the_ID() );
    					$ratearray = explode(";", $result3[0]->meta_value);
    					//Remove d: and i: from string
    					$total_rate = str_replace("d:", "", $ratearray[1]);
    					$total_user = str_replace("i:", "", $ratearray[3]);
    					//Update the respective value
    					$updated_user = $total_user-1;
    					$updated_rate = (($total_rate * $total_user)-$current_rate)/($updated_user);
    					//convert value to string
    					$new_value = "$ratearray[0];d:$updated_rate;$ratearray[2];i:$updated_user;$ratearray[4]";
    					//Update table with user
    					$result4 = $wpdb->update($wpdb->postmeta , array('meta_value' => $new_value), array('meta_key' => 'rate', 'post_id' => get_the_ID()));
    					//remove the current user rate
    					$result5 = $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->acfsrf , array( 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'meta_id' => get_the_ID()  ) );
    					if ($result5 && $result4){
    						wp_redirect( add_query_arg( array('vote_remove' => false), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );
    				if (isset($_GET['vote_remove'])) {
    				<a href='index.php?vote_remove=true'>Remove your rate!</a>
    		<?php } else{
    	        $star_rating = get_field( 'field_55b60d9089739', get_the_ID());

    Plugin Author lienann


    Warning: in the wp_postmeta strings (your $result3) may contain different quotes and types.
    So, please using php serialize() function or using get_post_meta()/update_field() functions for automatically unserialize/serialize strings.

    Thread Starter Jacks89


    So you actually serialize the code before inserting to DB.

    Thanks for the tips that actually helped me optimized my code.

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