• Resolved clister


    New user here. On the checkout page using the standard PayPal Gateway, the button at the bottom of the page says:”Proceed to Paypal”. Because I have change the paypal.png to include credit cards as well as the PayPal icon, I would like to change the button text to just say “Proceed”

    I found the text sting in class-wc-gateway-paypal.php in this line:

    $this->order_button_text = __( ‘Proceed to Payment’, ‘woocommerce’ );

    While I can change it here I don’t want to mess with the core code. I was hoping you could tell me what how/what I should I put in my customs functions.php file to override the woocommerce php file. Thanks


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  • I have this same issue. Did you ever get this resolved? If so, could you share with me? Thanks!

    I didn’t get any help here so I changed it in the core file …


    Hi, I have the same issue. Would you mind telling me exactly what you did?



    Those core-file change will be lost in the next update,
    it is a temporary solution.
    So try using a permanent modification.

    That “__( ‘xxx’, ‘XXXX’ )” styling indicates that it is a string which is traslatable / can be localized.
    So finding that string in the localization file, and change/create it as you wish will make it display as you want it to be.

    Btw, as it is seen in the core-code you mentioned,
    the variable controls that button-text is “order_button_text”;
    so you can add some codes into the functions.php to change that variable and assign the value you want.

    It should be something like this:

    add_filter( 'order_button_text', 'my-new-order_button_text' );
    function my-new-order_button_text() {
            return __( 'Proceed', 'woocommerce' );

    Thread Starter clister


    Jonathan -the Woo core files have changed since my last post. Having said that, I am now using the Striking Multiflex theme and you can now easily change the text within the theme settings and never worry about the core.

    At the same time, I wanted to change the PayPal icon. Woo used to just call a PNG file but now it is going out to the PayPal site to retrieve the icon with this line in ../wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-gateway-paypal.php

    $icon= ‘https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/mktg/logo/AM_mc_vs_dc_ae.jpg’;

    I replaced the above line with:

    $icon =’../wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/gateways/paypal/assets/images/paypal.png’;

    to use my own png.

    Hi I want to share my own simple way (I’m a noob, I don’t know if this is the right way, but it is worth to try)
    Go to woocommerce plugin directory and copy this file plugins/woocommerce/template/checkout/review-order.php to your-theme/woocommerce/checkout/review-order.php
    Find line 135 replace esc_attr( $gateway->order_button_text ); with YOUR OWN WORD.
    It works for me.


    My woocommerce version is 2.2.8

    Replace <?php echo esc_attr( $gateway->order_button_text );?>
    instead of just esc_attr( $gateway->order_button_text );

    Update woocommerce 2.3.3

    Replace review-order.php with payment.php
    Look for ‘ . esc_attr( $order_button_text ) . ‘ and replace it with you own text.
    In this case I’m using PayPal as payment method.


    I did as Desiana explained.

    When I reload the checkout page I see the text I change to but after like 1 sek the text re-renders to “Proceed to Paypal” .. why?

    I more thing.
    At the top of the checkout page it says “checkout” as a <h1>
    I have tryed to change this in the PO file to something else but it still says “checkout” .. any tips?

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