@yashtrivedi1992 Thanks for the continued support. I am sorry for the delayed response, we were closed till 3rd January on account of Christmas and New Year holidays.?I am coming to your query one by one:
1. how can I create a custom shop page for vendor and fetch the product of particular vendor in that page?
>> To view the list of products owned by a vendor, please go to WP-admin >> Users >> Select the Vendor >> view. Besides the list of each vendor you can view the number of products selling by the vendor, click on that number, this will take you to the separate listing where you can view all the products owned by the vendor.
2. How to display product by term id of the vendor in shop page?
>> Currently default WC MarketPlace shows product by the name of the vendor in the shop page. You can change the display name; following User >> Vendor >> Display name publicly as.
To display product by term id of the vendor, this requires customizations.
3. I want to display vendor products for specified vendor in their own page how can I do this? currently not able to get vendors product on their page from the menu how to fix?
>> I believe it is already answered in the question 1.
4. How to change the design of rating template from this plugin?
>> Please go to : dc-woocommerce-multi-vendor/templates/review/rating.php
and change it accordingly.
p.s. Please continue with one thread. It’s not easy to manage every thread at the same time.