OK. Here’s the fuller analysis.
The header of that file has copied parts from the theme’s header and contains some core theme functions, such as function tc__
, which is now badly out of date in your version.
It also contains some snippets that are working code.
It contains one snippet that has just been pasted in with no modification where modification is needed:
add_action ('__after_header', 'accordion_slider');
function accordion_slider() {
//checks that we display the home page
if ( !tc__f('__is_home') )
//renders the new slider
<strong>YOUR_SLIDER_RENDERING_FUNCTION()</strong>//if it is a shortcode, then use the do_shortcode() function
is meant to be replaced with your own function, not simply pasted as-is. This was explained to you in this post. You then added the slider function that your developer gave you, but rather than inserting it, you added it later on in the file.
I would suggest that you follow the steps I outlined above, but that you ask your developer to help you out in rebuilding the new functions.php.