• I’m sure there must be loads on this, but I don’t really know where to start, and the bits I have seen I’m just not yet technically able to understand the comments. I’m using WordPress, and SEO Plugin, other WP sites I’ve put up seem to show the SEO Plugin description in Google searches, but my latest one jamesbondbluray.co.uk seems to want to put something like “Welcome to WordPress etc…”. Is there an easy way I an sort this? I can’t even see where this text is appearing in my WP admin or the SEO Plugin Admin. Any help appreciated.

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  • Kindly use Google Webmaster to submit your sitemap.xml and this should be good in 2 – 3 days.

    Thread Starter quicklyman


    Thanks for the reply, but I’m so inexperienced even this is presenting me with problems as Google Webmaster tools still asks me to insert code into areas I just can’t figure out how to access. For instance, if I want to insert metadata code into my WordPress site, where do I gain access so I can insert this code? I can see how to edit the HTML of my site content/text, but I can’t seem to see anywhere I can edit the overall site, and insert metadata at the beginning. Any advice regarding this?

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