You’re welcome! You can pick out a color hex code to add there (like #ffffff = white). I like this site for browsing colors:
Or there is a Chrome extension called ColorZilla that lets you select any color you see on a website and get the code for it, so that’s a good tool to use if you see a color you love on another site and want to know how to use it yourself.
Anywhere you want to change colors will need to be targeted with CSS by finding the correct selector (such as main-navigation, used in the code above) and adding the colors there. This post has some info on finding selectors within your code:
For example, if you mean the link color, you could use the following code to change the color of all of the links on your site:
a, a:visited {
color: #00ced1;
a:hover {
color: #f7c3b6;
Just like before, change the color there to be one you like. ??