Change text on archive page button not working…
I just purchased this plugin, but I can’t get the archive page button text to change from ‘Read More’ to anything else.
I have updated it in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Crowdfunding -> General -> Default Button Label on Archive Pages. I have also tried changing it on individual crowdfunding products, too, but neither setting seems to have any effect.
Also, I have enabled the option to, ‘Add Product Info to Archives Pages‘ and the information appears normally when viewing a WooCommerce category. However, only the progress bar shows when calling a product archive view with a WooCommerce shortcode like this:
[product_category category="projects" columns="4" per_page="4" orderby="title" order="asc"]
For reference see section titled, ‘Outreach Projects’ here:
and the category page is here:
Any help appreciated.
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