• Oranget


    Hi there,

    I am currently working on changing the BOLD text within the tagline of the site https://ncheeptham.sites.tru.ca, and am using a theme based on Duster. There are many restrictions imposed on my edits. I have no options for plug-ins or add ons, and don’t seem to have any options to edit the CSS of the main page. I have tried to explore a little through Web Inspector through Safari but have had no success. If I could get to a CSS page, or something of the sort, I am sure I could change it but right now I am drawing a blank. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    There isn’t a way to change the style of only portions of a tagline with CSS alone. That’s because the tagline is a single HTML element, so you can only target the whole thing.

    To clarify, are you trying to make the entire tagline bold?

    I don’t actually see the tagline (site-description) output anywhere at all in the HTML source here: https://ncheeptham.sites.tru.ca/

    Perhaps you removed it when you modified Duster to make this custom theme?

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