• tashametrano


    Hi! When I made some changes in my design, my wordpress changes something else in my website.

    I don’t know why is this happen, i have the last version of every plugin, theme and wordpress. I try deactivating every plugin and switching to the Twenty fourteen theme and the error still the same.

    in the console i had only this bug:

    JQMIGRATE: Logging is active jquery-migrate.js:21:2
    JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.live() is deprecated jquery-migrate.js:41:4
    console.trace(): jquery-migrate.js:43
    migrateWarn() jquery-migrate.js:43
    jQuery.fn.live() jquery-migrate.js:471
    <anonymous> frontend-builder-scripts.js:2269
    .each() jquery.js:2
    m.prototype.each() jquery.js:2
    <anonymous> frontend-builder-scripts.js:2262
    m.Callbacks/j() jquery.js:2
    m.Callbacks/k.fireWith() jquery.js:2
    .ready() jquery.js:2

    I hope someone can help me!

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  • thebigtine


    what changes did you make to your theme?

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    I’m using Divi theme from elegantthemes. But I tried switch to default theme and the error still the same. So, what happening is that i’m trying to edit something in the backend of Divi or default theme and when I do the preview of what I edited wordpress not make the changes and other thing I’ve not edited has change. And this happen with everything, with the layers in the backend, with changes in the Editor, with pages, with post… This happen with everything but most in the pages with more information, like images and text. In the pages with less information, wordpress just not make the changes that I do in the page.

    Also the visual editor default of wordpress doesn’t work. It says that cannot connect with the DNS. I’m not sure if this could be connected with the issue I told you.

    I can’t provide you the link of my site cause my boss is who control the server and has the site very private so Google can’t find our site while we still developing. But if you want, you can provide me a e-mail and I can send you screenshots with the problem.

    I really need help with this, I’m kind of desperate cause this issue.



    What did you change before the problem started?

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    The problem started with no apparent reason. I was adding text in our ‘About’ page and when I click save and see the page I realize that nothing has changed, so I delete the cache and tried again and nothing change again.

    So then I tried to edit the ‘Home’ page and in this moment is when the things what I’ve edited in the backend in the preview not make the changes and other thing I’ve not edited has change.

    Now I can see that suddenly the visual editor default is working again…But the other isuue and the most important for me still there.



    JQMIGRATE: Logging is active... is not a warning, but a console log message the plugin(jQuery Migrate) shows when it first loads to indicate that warnings will be shown when appropriate.

    If the minified version of the plugin is being used or jQuery.migrateMute was set to true before the plugin was loaded, the plugin will not show this message or any warnings.

    The jQuery Migrate plugin is actually included in WordPress Core:

    You can read more about the different notices you see on your site here:


    Hope that helps

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    So you think my problem is nothing with the Jqmigrate right?… I don’t know what else can it be, cause that’s the only thing my console shows.

    You believe it could be something in my database?? Cause I also test the site in local server and the issue still the same.



    Sorry, I thought you said that the visual editor is working now. Is there another problem? If so what was that?

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    Ok I think is not my database neither…Cause I created another local, with a new database but I imported the WordPress eXtended RSS of the website where I’ve the issue and the error still the same!!!

    Help please!!!

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    Yes, the visual editor defalut of wordpress is working now. But that was just a little issue that is not really important for me cause I use a page builder of Divi. But i thought that the visual editor default of wordpres isn’t working could be connected with my principal issue.

    The issue that still the same it’s when I tried to edit something in the backend, like an image or text, that thing that I edited doesn’t show any changes and instead another text or image from the same page is changed, like moved out of place or style has changed.



    If it is a problem with the divi theme then I would suggest contacting the theme developers with your problem.

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    Well, thanks. But I really think that is not the problem cause i tried switching to another theme and the error persists.



    I thought you said the issue was with the divi page builder? If you want help you have to be specific, your problem could be anything and I have no way of knowing. Just saying that “when I add something, it does something else” is not very helpful.

    Thread Starter tashametrano


    Thanks for be so patient with me. I’m trying to explain you the problem but it’s no so easy cause it’s pretty rare.

    So again, the problem is when I make some edits in the backend, like change an image, edit some text, edit the rules on the style.css, even create a new user.. Whatever I do in the backend makes some changes in my frontend about things I’ve no edited in the design, like move out place some text or change the style of an image or text.

    – I’ve tried deactivating all plugins
    – Switching to default theme
    – I’ve changed my server to a local
    – I tried creating a new wordpress with a new database and importing the XML of my old site

    And the issue persist… I don’t know what else can I do…



    I understand, dont worry, but without being able to look at the actual site I wont be able to help anything. Sorry

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