Change slug when changing custom post type in child
I am trying to change the slug for a CPT in my child theme. I changed
in my child but my permalink still shows I want to change it to show is the code in my functions.php file I am using to rename the CPT:
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'wpse_19240_change_home_labels', 20 ); function wpse_19240_change_home_labels() { global $wp_post_types; $b = 'portfolio'; if ( empty ( $wp_post_types[ $b ] ) or ! is_object( $wp_post_types[ $b ] ) or empty ( $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels ) ) return; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->name = 'Sliders'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->singular_name = 'Slider'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->add_new_item = 'Add New Slider'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->edit_item = 'Edit Slider'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->new_item = 'New Slider'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->view_item = 'View Slider'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->search_items = 'Search Sliders'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->not_found = 'No sliders found.'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->not_found_in_trash = 'No sliders found in Trash.'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->menu_name = 'Homepage Sliders'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->all_items = 'All Sliders'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->add_new = 'Add New Slider'; $wp_post_types[ $b ]->labels->name_admin_bar = 'Slider'; }
EDIT: So Googling, I found some code that rewrites the slug successfully, but now I get a 404 page when I navigate to I made sure to try and change my file name from single-portfolio.php to single-homepage.php. Any other suggestions?
function change_slug_of_post_type_portfolio() { register_post_type('portfolio', array( 'rewrite' => array ( 'slug' => 'homepage', ) ) ); } add_action('init', 'change_slug_of_post_type_portfolio', 20);
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