We have a quick solution.
You can find the following code in lines 207-208 of wgs-admin-page.php file:
'<input type="text" id="search_gcse_page_url" name="wgs_general_settings[search_gcse_page_url]" value="%s" size="50" disabled />',
esc_attr( get_page_link( $options['search_gcse_page_id'] ))
Please change it to this:
'<input type="text" id="search_gcse_page_url" name="wgs_general_settings[search_gcse_page_url]" value="%s" size="50" />',
esc_attr( $options['search_gcse_page_url'])
After the code replace, you can change the URL on the plugin settings page.
Then please replace the original code back.
I hope this information help you to solve this issue.
Peter Rath