• Hi,

    Currently, I have WP Social login active for comments, where, if a visitor is not logged in, the comment form only shows a Facebook button for login. Upon clicking the button and refreshing, the page auto scrolls down to the comment form and the comment textarea input field and submit button is shown.

    The plugin works beautifully doing this, except now, I’ve made the comment text area autofocused using this javascript code

    $.fn.focusWithoutScrolling = function(){
      var x = window.scrollX, y = window.scrollY;
      window.scrollTo(x, y);

    so that the page doesn’t scroll down to the comment textarea input field on the page load.

    Now, upon logging in and refreshing, the page doesn’t scroll to the comment form (I am assuming because of this script I added).

    I am thinking an easy fix is to have the plugin link to <?php the_permalink(); ?>#respond instead of refreshing the page.

    Where do I change this?



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  • Thread Starter RoselleCelina



    regarding the pop ups:

    1) can I change the size of the authentication pop up?


    2) can I set the pop up to be a pop under depending on if the visitor is logged into Facebook already? That is, if the visitor is already logged into facebook, make it be a pop under…but if the visitor is not already logged into facebook, make it be a pop up?

    Thanks again,

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