You’re welcome, thanks for the kind words!
The process is a bit involved, but here’s how it’s done:
You’ll need to download a free translation program like Poedit. Then, use it to create a new translation from the “tracks.pot” file. The “tracks.pot” file can be located in the Tracks theme folder under /languages/.
You’ll be given an interface for translating strings of text found in the theme. Translate however much you’d like. When you you’re done, the program will automatically create two files:
Once you have those files, you could add them to the /languages/ folder in Tracks on your server and they would take effect. However, they will be deleted every time you update Tracks.
Instead, if you email me the translation files at [email protected], I will include them in the theme so you won’t have to keep re-uploading them, and others will be able to benefit from your work as well.
WordPress has a guide about translating you may find useful as well.