• Resolved GermanKiwi


    Hi, I’m using the Genesis Framework and Sermon Manager. I’m trying to find a way to make the published date of each sermon post be the same as the sermon date, when it’s displayed in an archive on the website.

    Genesis has a shortcode called [post_date] which is used to display the post date (obviously) in the post entry header area for each post. My goal is to replace the date used in that shortcode with the actual sermon date – ie. the date saved in the sermon post meta as “sermon_date”.

    I found a disabled function in Sermon Manager’s “template-tags.php” file, which is supposed to do exactly that. It looks like this:

    function wpfc_sermon_date_filter() {
    	global $post;
    	if ( 'wpfc_sermon' == get_post_type() ) {
    		$ugly_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sermon_date', 'true' );
    		// seems like it was stored as a text in the db sometime in the past
    		if ( ! is_numeric( $ugly_date ) ) {
    			$ugly_date = strtotime( $ugly_date );
    		$date      = date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $ugly_date );
    		return $date;
    add_filter('get_the_date', 'wpfc_sermon_date_filter');

    I enabled this function and put it into my functions.php but it isn’t working as expected.

    After further research I think I know why: the function above updates the “get_the_date” value with the sermon date. However, Genesis’s [post_date] shortcode is calling “get_the_time” rather than “get_the_date”. Therefore the Genesis shortcode doesn’t grab the date that the above function has modified.

    Can anyone offer me a solution to ge this working the way I’d like it to? I did try modifying the function above so that the add_filter line modified “get_the_time”, but that didn’t work correctly.

    For reference, here is the Genesis code for the [post_date] shortcode: https://genesis.wp-a2z.org/oik_api/genesis_post_date_shortcode/ (in the “Source” section in the middle of the page)


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  • Plugin Author wpforchurch


    Hey @germankiwi,

    We’ll have a look into this for you and get back to you asap. Thanks for including sufficient info.

    If you have an active Sermon Manager support plan, feel free to reach out via your member area or the member only forum and we’ll get back to you quicker.


    Hey @germankiwi,

    Try this code:

    function wpfc_sermon_time_filter() {
    	global $post;
    	if ( 'wpfc_sermon' == get_post_type() ) {
    		$ugly_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sermon_date', 'true' );
    		// seems like it was stored as a text in the db sometime in the past
    		if ( ! is_numeric( $ugly_date ) ) {
    			$ugly_date = strtotime( $ugly_date );
    		return $date;
    add_filter('get_the_time', 'wpfc_sermon_time_filter');

    It’s untested, but it should work.
    If it doesn’t, tell us the exact problem, error message if there is any; or actual output vs desired.

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Hi Nikolam,

    Thanks for the reply! I’ve just tested your snippet but I’m afraid it doesn’t work at all. It looks like you’ve just replaced “get_the_date” with “get_the_time” in the add_filter, and I actually already tried doing exactly that – it’s what I referred to in my 2nd-to-last paragraph above. However, it also looks like you’ve omitted the following line from your snippet too, for some reason:

    $date = date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $ugly_date );

    Anyway, this is the expected and desired output of the Genesis [post_date] shortcode if I don’t use any function at all (of course this is using the post’s Published date, not its sermon date):

    <time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-03-21T15:00:00+00:00">Preached on 21 March 2017</time>

    As you can see, the Genesis shortcode marks the output up nicely using HTML5 and the datetime attribute inside the <time> tag.

    If I use your snippet verbatim, I get this (ie. no date is outputted whatsoever):

    <time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished">Preached on </time>

    If I modify your snippet to put back the $date = date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $ugly_date ); where it originally was – which means the function is now exactly the same as the original function, except for “get_the_date” being replaced with “get_the_time” in the add_filter – then I get this:

    <time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="19 March 2017">Preached on 19 March 2017</time>

    In this output, the textual date is okay – where it says “Preached on 19 March 2017” – but the date format used in the datetime attribute, inside the <time> tag, is invalid. It needs to be “2017-03-21T15:00:00+00:00”.

    Hope that helps!

    Hey @germankiwi, thanks for the reply!

    My thinking was that get_the_date expects a string, e.g. “April 4th, 2017”, while get_the_time expects Unix time, e.g. “1491264000”, so by omitting that line, the function would return the Unix time.

    But, that wasn’t the case. I can now see that Genesis expects ISO 8601 formatted date, and this code should work in that case:

    function wpfc_sermon_time_filter() {
    	global $post;
    	if ( 'wpfc_sermon' == get_post_type() ) {
    		$ugly_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sermon_date', 'true' );
    		// seems like it was stored as a text in the db sometime in the past
    		if ( ! is_numeric( $ugly_date ) ) {
    			$ugly_date = strtotime( $ugly_date );
    		$date      = date( 'c', $ugly_date );
    		return $date;
    add_filter('get_the_time', 'wpfc_sermon_time_filter');
    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Getting closer! Now I get this output:

    <time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-03-19T00:00:00+00:00">Preached on 2017-03-19T00:00:00+00:00</time>

    So the value of the ‘datetime’ attribute is now okay, but the date given in the text part is not. The Genesis shortcode is supposed to convert the textual date into the default format defined in the WordPress Settings, but it’s not able to here for whatever reason.

    Is there perhaps still some difference between the format that is used between get_the_time and get_the_date?

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Hi, I’ve done some more playing around with this and found out some more info that might help.

    I wanted to see what exactly was the output of get_the_date and get_the_time without any modifications from other functions. So I disabled the function we’ve been working on here, and then I added this to my customisation of the wpfc_sermon_excerpt function:

    echo 'Get The Date: ';
    echo get_the_date('j F Y H:i');
    echo '<br>Get The Time: ';
    echo get_the_time('j F Y H:i');

    This gave me the following in the sermon post output – as expected – this is the date and time of the post’s Published timestamp:

    Get The Date: 21 March 2017 15:00
    Get The Time: 21 March 2017 15:00

    So both values are identical.

    Then I re-enabled the function we’ve been working on here, using the latest version of the function that you posted above. I got this (note that the post’s Published Date is 21 March @ 15:00 but I deliberately set its Sermon Date to 19 March):

    Get The Date: 21 March 2017 15:00
    Get The Time: 2017-03-19T00:00:00+00:00

    Then I tested again using the function that I posted in my original post above, which is the one found in the template-tags.php file. I get this:

    Get The Date: 19 March 2017
    Get The Time: 21 March 2017 15:00

    Note the absense of the time in get_the_date value above. I believe this is because the sermon_date value does not include any time at all – it only includes the date. So when the function sends the sermon_date to get_the_date, as it does in the original version of the function, it therefore doesn’t include any time value at all.

    However when the function is changed to send its output to get_the_time, it does include a time, but it is 00:00:00+00:00.

    I also noticed a difference in the way that get_the_time and get_the_date actually grab their respective date and time values – if you compare the source code of these two functions here:


    …The get_the_date function is grabbing post_date and passing it through ‘mysql2date’. But get_the_time is just calling the get_post_time filter. So they are apples and oranges. Maybe that’s the problem? They work in quite different ways, and so we can’t simply replace get_the_date with get_the_time in our function?

    I also wonder if the problem is due to the fact that sermon_date doesn’t include any time value at all, whereas the post’s Published Date does include a time.

    Maybe the solution is to take sermon_date, and then take the post’s published *time*, and stick them together, and send them to get_the_time. That way, we’re only replacing the post’s Published Date but not touching the post’s Published Time.

    Here you go, completely rewritten and untested:

     * Filters the output of <code>get_the_time</code> when it's used for sermons.
     * Because <code>get_the_time</code> returns post time instead of sermon time.
     * @param string|int  $the_time Already filtered time. This will be returned if post type is not <code>wpfc_sermon</code>
     * @param string      $d        Format to use for retrieving the time the post was written.
     * @param int|WP_Post $post     WP_Post object or ID
     * @return string|int|false
    function wpfc_sermon_time_filter( $the_time, $d, $post ) {
    	if ( 'wpfc_sermon' == get_post_type() ) {
    		// get the post
    		$post = get_post( $post );
    		// this check is maybe not needed, post will be validated on first call of <code>get_the_time</code>
    		if ( ! $post ) {
    			return false;
    		// use specified format, or get default one if not specified
    		$format = $d === '' ? get_option( 'time_format' ) : $d;
    		// get sermon date
    		$date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sermon_date', true );
    		// if the date is not represented as Unix timestamp, convert it
    		if ( ! is_numeric( $date ) ) {
    			$date = strtotime( $date );
    		// get post hour, minute and second, in seconds
    		$his = explode( ':', date( 'H:i:s', strtotime( $post->post_date ) ) );
    		// add hour, minute and second
    		$date += ( $his[0] * 60 * 60 + $his[1] * 60 + $his[2] );
    		// set date to expected format for <code>mysql2date</code>
    		$date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date );
    		// convert it
    		$the_time = mysql2date( $format, $date, true );
    	return $the_time;
    add_filter( 'get_the_time', 'wpfc_sermon_time_filter', 10, 3 );

    And for the date:

     * Filters the output of <code>get_the_date</code> when it's used for sermons.
     * Because <code>get_the_date</code> returns post time instead of sermon time.
     * @param string|int  $the_date Already filtered time. This will be returned if post type is not <code>wpfc_sermon</code>
     * @param string      $d        Format to use for retrieving the time the post was written.
     * @param int|WP_Post $post     WP_Post object or ID
     * @return string|int|false
    function wpfc_sermon_date_filter( $the_date, $d, $post ) {
    	if ( 'wpfc_sermon' == get_post_type() ) {
    		// get the post
    		$post = get_post( $post );
    		// this check is maybe not needed, post will be validated on first call of <code>get_the_time</code>
    		if ( ! $post ) {
    			return false;
    		// use specified format, or get default one if not specified
    		$format = $d === '' ? get_option( 'date_format' ) : $d;
    		// get sermon date
    		$date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sermon_date', true );
    		// if the date is not represented as Unix timestamp, convert it
    		if ( ! is_numeric( $date ) ) {
    			$date = strtotime( $date );
    		// get post hour, minute and second, in seconds
    		$his = explode( ':', date( 'H:i:s', strtotime( $post->post_date ) ) );
    		// add hour, minute and second
    		$date += ( $his[0] * 60 * 60 + $his[1] * 60 + $his[2] );
    		// set date to expected format for <code>mysql2date</code>
    		$date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date );
    		// convert it
    		$the_date = mysql2date( $format, $date, true );
    	return $the_date;
    add_filter( 'get_the_date', 'wpfc_sermon_date_filter', 10, 3 );

    I’m in a hurry now, so I couldn’t test it.

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Thanks @nikolam! The wpfc_sermon_time_filter function works perfectly!

    I didn’t use the wpfc_sermon_date_filter function as that one is not needed – and in any case, its name clashes with the original function in the template-tags.php file.

    Thanks again for your time and help! ??

    Glad to hear that it’s working, @germankiwi ??

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Hi @nikolam,

    I’ve just updated to v2.1.3 and seen the new Dates Fix feature, which you nicely describe here.

    I have a couple of questions:

    Firstly, running the Date Fix tool should be a one-time thing, right? Once I’ve run it on my site, and it tells me that I don’t have any sermon dates that need fixing, then I don’t need to run it again in the future?

    Secondly, in the wpfc_sermon_time_filter code you provided above, you included this “if” statement:

    // if the date is not represented as Unix timestamp, convert it
    	if ( ! is_numeric( $date ) ) {
    	$date = strtotime( $date );

    I assume this is checking for the same thing as the Date Fix tool is, right?

    If that’s so, and if I’ve already used the Date Fix tool and come up with no dates to fix, then can I safely delete the above “if” statement from my function? Just the lines quoted above, nothing else – and the function should continue to work correctly – right?

    Hey @germankiwi,

    Yes, that is correct, dates fix is one time only. If there’s nothing to fix, you are all set, and you don’t need to do anything in future.

    Yup, you can remove it, but there’s no need for it, it won’t do any harm if you leave it in there.

    By the way, sermon date as published is in official release now. It was released as part of 2.1.0.

    Thread Starter GermanKiwi


    Oh awesome, I didn’t realise it was included in the official release now! So now I can go ahead and delete my entire function – nice!

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