Hi @carcanha!
I understand that you want to change the price of the product depending on how the customers arrived to the product page. Is that right? Or you actually want to have different product pages with different prices?
If you want to create different pages, I’d simply suggest you to create different products.
If you want to use the same product page but change the price depending on the page that redirected the customer there, it would be a bot more complicated… Affiliate plugins (like Affiliate for WooCommerce) do something similar, as they’re able to set up a tracking code to check if the customer landed to the product page from one of these promoted sites, but instead of changing the product price, these plugins are usually designed to offer the affiliate a commission of each sale.
I’m not aware of any plugin that contains the specific functionality that you’re looking for, but maybe you can find some affiliation plugin with this feature…
Otherwise, you’ll need to achieve it using a customization… Using “$_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]” you could get the previous URL and then, you could try to filter the price of the current product based on this URL. I’m not sure if that would work for you, but that’s just an idea that you could consider as a starting point!
I hope it helps!