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  • Plugin Author WisdmLabs


    Hi Rick,

    The price section which you are talking about is part of sidebar.
    That means, to properly show and work the enquiry button over there, there has to be a widget. Unfortunately, currently this plugin does not provide any such widget.

    However, you can do the following –
    Edit file ‘product-enquiry-for-woocommerce.php’

    Remove all the code written above

    function ask_about_product(){

    (this will remove display of button from current locations) and add below code over there –

    add_action('woocommerce_after_single_product', 'wdm_show_pew_shortcode');
    function wdm_show_pew_shortcode(){
        add_shortcode('wdm_pew_form', 'ask_about_product');

    This will create a shortcode [wdm_pew_form]. Now, you can use this shortcode in a Text Widget. You can use a plugin like this or similar – to execute the output of this shortcode.

    If you find any issue with the above approach, just let us know. We can create a separate widget for you. You can contact us at support[at]wisdmlabs[dot]com for that.

    WisdmLabs Team

    I have the same problem : how to put enquiry button in the right sidebar ?
    See here, the button is too down and i’d like to have it in the right column :
    As a beginner, i’d like to know if there is an easyest way than php, then plugin, then shortcode…
    What’s more, i don’t know how to add shortcodes in woocommerce products.
    If anyone knows…?

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