Solved my problem. I had a nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts
filter added to my theme’s functions.php so I could disable the lightbox.
The documentation for removing the lightbox said to use this:
add_filter('nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts', 'handle_nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts', 10, 2);
function handle_nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts($link_atts, $item) {
$link_atts['href'] = get_permalink($item->ID);
return $link_atts;
I changed it to this:
add_filter('nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts', 'handle_nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts', 10, 2);
function handle_nimble_portfolio_lightbox_link_atts($link_atts, $item) {
$link_atts['href'] = '/our-clients/' . $item->post_name;
return $link_atts;
Now, my index page had the correct permalink using the desired slug.