• Excellent plugin! Have purchased it twice to use on different sites.

    I have a question…

    I need to reorder the Terms in the Isotope filter. It looks like it’s ordering them by name, which is the default for WordPress taxonomies. I need to know where in the plugin you are building the filter so I can override the orderby to order by term ID instead of by name.

    Is is in the grid_cache.php file?


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  • i believe that this feature could really be useful to have on the premium version that i have bought as well.

    Plugin Author Brecht


    We’ll be releasing a new update soon that includes the possibility to change the term order with some custom code. We do plan on adding an integrated solution later on but that should work in the meantime.

    Plugin Author Brecht


    We just released version 1.8 which includes a filter hook that allows you to manually define the term order by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

    function wpupg_change_terms_order( $filter_terms_order, $grid ) {
        if( $grid->slug() == 'your-grid-id' ) {
            $filter_terms_order = array( 'category-slug-1', 'category-slug-2', 'tag-slug-1' );
        return $filter_terms_order;
    add_filter( 'wpupg_grid_cache_filter_isotope_term_order', 'wpupg_change_terms_order', 10, 2 );

    In this code you’ll have to chagne ‘your-grid-id’ to your actual grid ID (the one used in the shortcode), and the slugs in the array to the actual slugs of your categories/tags.

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