I was recently looking to do exactly this and stumbled into the fact that in later versions of the theme this solution was no longer valid. Some more digging and I was able to find a solution that worked with v3.0.13
First up take a look at this:
I still found it a little hard to follow but got it to work. Not sure if what I did is exactly optimal but it did work.
1. Create the child theme and activate it
2. Copy functions.php from the customizr theme folder into the child theme folder customizr-child
3. Pasted the code from the snippet web page linked above.
4. Edited the line that contains add_action ( ‘__before_header’ and replaced the word header with footer so it reads add_action ( ‘__before_footer’
Refresh the home page and now the featured pages are at the bottom of my home page.
Hope this helps someone else. I read the first 10 pages of the support form and found a lot of great info that helped me. This is a great theme!