Hi guys, yep, the plugin was acquired by WPExperts. It’s happened quite quickly, and leading into a holiday weekend here in Canada, so I haven’t had a chance to post much of a notice. I’m sure they will have more to say on their plans with the plugin, but as a response to you all and @pidengmor’s nice comment — my hope is also that they’ll continue to build and support the plugin in ways that I just haven’t been able to lately.
When I started the Honeypot plugin 13 years ago I was a web developer full-time, but I have since left the industry (though not the WordPress community) and my sluggish responses to support requests, and releases hasn’t been up to snuff. I’m excited that there is someone interested in taking on development and assuring that the plugin continues to get the support it deserves.
I truly appreciate all the help many of you have provided here in the forums and at points in the code as well. I’m also a user of the plugin, and look forward to seeing where it goes next.